who would you vote for and why?

the next President of the United States

  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 77 46.1%
  • John McCain

    Votes: 81 48.5%
  • Bob Barr (Libertarian Party)

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Ralph Nader (Green Party)

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • waiting for VP choices

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • not going to vote

    Votes: 5 3.0%

  • Total voters
.lost my head thought this was a fz6 motorcycle forum. there is so many places to debate this do we need to do it here. more important who is going to win laguna?
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I'd google "oil reserves" before I made rash statements like that first one. You're not even close to being right.

And why would google tell you or me the truth. And If you think the goverment would spill the truth to the internet. SORRY MY FRIEND YOU ARE WRONG.
more important who is going to win laguna?
Go start a new thread! :D

.lost my head thought this was a fz6 motorcycle forum. there is so many places to debate this do we need to do it here.

It is a motorcycle forum, but we don't ALWAYS have to talk about motorcycles.

Now.....back to the debate!
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hey mdr, you've been saying what Obama's not, why don't you inform us to what Obama is. what will he actually do, besides propaganda, raise taxes?
this not the place for this crap.been on any good rides lately

Hey man, you read the title, you didn't have to click. We're all being pretty much civil which is impressive. I guess it's the class of people that ride motorcycles.

Plus, I think this is really interesting since we only really get to debate this bs every 4 years and this will be the first presidential election in which I can vote in.

I think everyone is enjoying everyone else's ideas. I know I am. That's all the forum is, ideas. That's what makes it so great. There are different sections for different ideas, and you can click on whichever you'd like and are free to do so.

I've heard of his name, a lot of his listeners call in to Free Talk Live. But I can't say I've ever listened to him. Have you ever listened to FTL and if you have are Alex Jones' ideas similar to that of Ian and Mark? If you haven't listened to it before, and you try it, you might think they're nuts at first, but if you just give it a chance, you'd probably like it.
I must chime in on this baloney being thrown out about how Barack is too inexperienced to be President. Pahleeeeeze stop it!

If you voted for W in 2000, I'll give you a pass, but if you voted for Chuckle Nuts again in 2004, then you have absolutely no standing to question anybody elses qualifications for President. Bush is the most unengaged, uninformed, lazy minded ideologue that has ever occupied the White House.
All you have to do is listen to the man speak when somebody else hasn't loaded his lips.

Barack by contrast, actually understands what he says, can write his own speeches, genuinely tries to see both sides of an issue, and can think in the abstract. Yet people throw out this BS about him not having enough experience.

Old man McCain, who has a better than 50% chance of dying in office, can't even handle a question asked him about why health insurance covers Viagra for men and not birth control bills for women? Watch the video on YouTube and tell me that it instill confidence in you. :don'tknow:(I have tried to insert a link, but if it didn't work just Google "McCain and Viagra")

Stop watching FOX Spews, Sean, Bill, and Brit, :bow: because that is the propaganda and civil poison you should avoid if you are going to choose a President wisely.

Old man McCain, who has a better than 50% chance of dying in office....
On what do you base that statement? From an actuarial point of view, I'm pretty sure that a 72 year old male has a better than 50% chance of surviving 4 years. I am not sure, so if I am wrong about survival statistics, let me know.

...can't even handle a question asked him about why health insurance covers Viagra for men and not birth control bills for women? Watch the video on YouTube and tell me that it instill confidence in you....
I saw that on the Daily Show or Colbert Report. It was funny but I don't think it proved anything. The look on his face was more like "oh crap, a question about viagra and birth control" than "I have no idea." From what I have heard, many health plans cover birth control but not viagra, so his answer that he didn't know enough about the issue to reply was reasonable.

Someone said earlier that if Obama wins, the country is doomed (paraphrasing.) I don’t care for a lot of his positions (and don’t care for a lot of the opposing side’s either), but if he wins, the country will be fine. Ask an older person about living through the depression and/or World War II. This country got through those events, we can sure get through four or eight years of leadership by any president. In case you haven’t noticed, political directions seem to swing back and forth in this country, so we’ll do alright no matter what.

Despite the fact that this poll seems to have turned McCain’s way (as of this writing), my opinion is that he does not have much chance. People feel uneasy about a lot of things right now and are ready for some change, any change. While I don’t believe the hype that electing McCain would be like electing W again, it would not represent a significant course change. If so, so be it. I think it would be pretty cool to elect an African American (well, at least 50% African American) president. At least the rest of the world might like us a little better if we showed how enlightened we are.

Oh well, I don’t have much else to add to what’s already been said, so I’ll get back to waiting for J’s next riddle!
Me too. How bout lets go to Indianapolis instead? It's at least closer... only about 750 miles for me. Gotta admit the Laguna track is more "interesting" though.

Hummm..that would be fun. When is the race?
Too bad there's not "none of the above." I've pretty much given up on national politics and limit myself to local and state. If I do vote this time, I'd probably say Bob Barr.
You are right, I don't have a document supporting that statement of probability directly. But according to the Social Security Actuarial Tables a male child born in 2004 has a life expectancy of 74.83 years, and a 71 year old in 2004 had a life expectancy of 12.64 years. So, not considering the fact the McCain has cancer, if he served only one term I guess he would have a 33% chance of dying in office and if he managed to get elected to a second term it would better than 67%. So while I was winging it I was close to the mark after looking it up.