Where should I ride to?

i would recomend going through north dakota via 94. go check out medora and theordore roosevelt national park.
Caladin..I have not seen you on a site for a long time.

You have been everywhere but wherever you go this time do the writeup and photos like you did before.

I look forward to seeing it.

I wonder why he just did a stop and go in key west? that place is awesome.

He was worried he wouldn't have enough time to even make it all the way to Key West. I am glad he actually got there! By the way, if anyone hasn't clicked on the "spotme" link he set up, you should check it out. It's kinda fun to see where he is, and where he's been. Can't wait to see the photos, Adrian!! :cheer: :cheer:
Phew, that was a bit of a ride. 27 states and 15,027km (9337 miles). Pictures are going to take a while to sort though. Thanks to everyone who gave suggestions and offered places to stay. Off to work I must go now.
So glad you got home safe and sound!! We are all traveling vicariously through you, so we are excited about seeing your photos!! :thumbup:
Phew, that was a bit of a ride. 27 states and 15,027km (9337 miles). Pictures are going to take a while to sort though. Thanks to everyone who gave suggestions and offered places to stay. Off to work I must go now.

very curious about what riding 9300 miles in 18 days was like...

pics??? :cool: