wheelie anyone

If you really feel a need to show off...

Use the "roll off / roll on" throttle technique, start easy with little mini wheelies, then slowly extend the time the front wheel in in the air by rolling on and holding more throttle. Be careful using your rear brakes (I never did).

Practice in an empty parking lot, not on the street.

If you find your front wheel a little too high then you can use engine braking to bring it down... just roll off the throttle. You should only have to use the back brakes as a last resort.

You'll need to build up your comfort and capabilities slowly.
I've done it once. that's enough. Got way high, buddy said it was the coolest thing...I didn't think so as I slammed back into the ground...the only wheelie for me is the power wheelie ;) ... :steve:

i have tried it a couple of times and got the front wheel up about 2-3 feet and was happy with that, BUT, the best wheelie is the power wheelie, as you are riding and have the Rpm's up there, downshift quickly hold on and hit the throttle and poof, up and gone, what a rush!
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I think most people wheelie for fun, not to show off. Could be wrong but...ever ride a dirt bike?

Check out this FZ6
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQSwSXislzE&feature=channel_page"]YouTube - Over the screen[/ame]
I'm not a big fan of wheelies personally due to the amount of stress it puts on the front end but usually when I do get the urge to pull one as said above the power wheelie is my favorite. Usually I'll roll the throttle hard from about mid first and shift second very quickly at redline when I let out the clutch it comes right up and will usually tote the front tire about 3' all the way through second gear. But IMO the sweetest is coming through the apex of a 1st or 2nd gear turn about 6-7k rpms and snap the throttle wo upon clearing and it will pick the front up about a foot and again tote it till shifting.
man, I still vote that I like 2 wheels on the ground...I'd only lift a front tire coming off a turn on a track...definately not the street! You never know who/what is coming wide from around the next turn!
Waiting til I can get a dirt bike so if/when I lay it down trying it I won't feel so bad. Plus the dirt has to be slightly softer than pavement to land on.
As Hollywood416 touched on, what about the physical stress it puts on your bike? I've heard everything from it wearing out the front forks to it starving the engine of oil on a high wheelie. What are some of the effects that a wheelie has on the bike?