What's Hiding Under Your Seat?


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Aug 7, 2008
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San Diego
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I just spent the last 30 minutes trying to figure out how to get some stuff out of my tank bag and into the under seat storage. I have everything now under there except my camera and a tire pressure gauge. I'll pick up a cheap pen gauge to use rather than my more expensive digital.

Here's my current list:
Zip lock bag with owners manual, insurance copy, and registration.
Tire Repair kit and CO2 in the kit's pouch. http://www.cyclegear.com/spgm.cfm?L1=&L2=&L3=&L4=&item=INN_3517
Cheap Cargo Net, hopefully the heat won't effect the elastic too bad. http://www.cyclegear.com/spgm.cfm?L1=&L2=&L3=&L4=&item=FAI_BH13-N0003B
Leatherman multi-tool in sheath. http://www.leathermanstore.com/leatherman25th.html
And the factory tool kit.

I plan to add:
Spare fuses.
Zip Ties (into the factory tool kit)
Small strips of velcro both sides.
Cheap tire pressure gauge.

Now I'll have all the essentials with the bike at all times and can put more than just my camera in the tank bag. I might try to find a way to mount the camera's soft bag inside one of the front fairings and then I won't even need a tank bag for most rides.

So what does everyone else keep in their under seat storage? I'd be interested to see what all fits in there and what I might be forgetting.
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At the moment I have:

Yamaha Toolkit
Plastic plate thingy to put under stand on dirt
Rain trousers
Power commander
Alarm/Disc lock
OEM Toolkit
Manual and previous owners registration in a ziplock bag(??)
Power Commander

That's all that fits under there.
I usually ride with either my tankbag or tailbag which are big enough to hold all sorts of tools and stuff.
Power Commander
Scorpio Alarm
OEM Tool Kit
Set of Allen Keys
Set of Tamper proof keys
T Bar socket set ; 6,8,10,12,14,19mm
Tyre pressure gauge

and sometimes a bucket hat, camera, and small tube of sunscreen.

it gets pretty tight in there!

Don't forget a small bowling towel to wipe down condensation/visor crap/fogged up windows and mirrors! And a pair of vise grips . . . I heard that they're good to have in case you snap your gearshift lever or rear brake lever off, sometimes you can tightly clamp them on any metal remaining to use as a temp peg just to nurse the bike home . . .
i have my insurance and registration cards. a cargo net, the stock tool bag, one of those kickstand plates. i think that is about it. i can't remember and i was just in there yesterday.
hm.....i have:

Insurance Papers
Parking Coupons
Disc Lock
Standard Tool Kit
Alan Key Screws
Road tax disc
& More cloth
Yamaha stock tool kit with a small letherman in it. Yamaha tire (tyre) repair kit. Disc lock alarm. Spare fuses. Registration and insurance certificates in a zip lock bag. That's about it. Not much room under there. I usually bring my Cortec tailbag along. :thumbup:
Don't forget a small bowling towel to wipe down condensation/visor crap/fogged up windows and mirrors! And a pair of vise grips . . . I heard that they're good to have in case you snap your gearshift lever or rear brake lever off, sometimes you can tightly clamp them on any metal remaining to use as a temp peg just to nurse the bike home . . .

Good call. I like those microfiber shop rags. They really soak up a lot of water for their size.

So far I only have the stock tool kit however in my tank bag (purse) I have a set of allen keys, and head light, bandana, and a cap.
OEM Toolkit with some extra useful bits thrown in
Power Commander

Not much, I dont get in there too often on account of my seat cowl.
Yamaha toolkit.
Bunch of cable ties.
Wet wipe, well a sealed wipe for motorcycles.
Two small LED torches,one amber, one red, they both flash, if required as well in case of incident.
Alarmed Disc lock.
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My little "rat's nest" contains:-

OEM toolkit + Gerber multi-tool (the original "leatherman")
Tank props
Spare fuses
Insurance/registration papers
Power Commander
Talon alarm siren & perimeter sensor
Enough excess wiring for above to wire up a 747...must sort that out some day.
(of better quality) these are a life saver...


all the allans you need in one folding "knife sized" tool
I just keep the oem toolkit w/ some additional allen wrenches and a bottle of water. That way if I ever get stranded in the middle of nowhere, I will be able to survive a little longer without dying of dehydration. Maybe I'll be able to walk to civilization or something, idk. I just always like to have water with me.... haha
OEM toolkit
allen keys keychain
Insurance Card
Title copy
Magnetic kickstand plate
Tank props
Cheap tire repair kit
zip ties, fuses, nylon ropes (need to put bungee ropes or net instead) in a zip tie

wht else.. don't remember ..

Disc Lock hangs on the top of the rear footpeg.