What years is a blue color option available?


Junior Member
Oct 9, 2011
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I've been riding a Seca II for the last three years and it's time for me to upgrade for next year's riding season. Since winter is fast approaching I'm in no hurry to buy but I do like to check what's out there every week or so to make sure I don't miss out on a steal.

The one requirement I have is a bike in blue. I think it looks sharp, and more importantly, it matches all my gear :p.

So what years did Yamaha make the FZ6 in blue? From my limited research it looks like they may have offered different shades of blue different years, but that doesn't really concern me, as long as it is some shade of blue. Thanks for the help!
Could be wrong, but I think most if not all of the years came in some sort of blue. '06 and '07 have the team Yamaha blue though, the other blues are kinda drab :Flip:

As an '06 blue owner though, I absolutely love the red on the '06/07
the 04-05 had a dark shade of blue dont know the nomenclature of the colour tho (the tank and the sides of the fairing came blue) the 06-07 came in the team yamaha blue, yeah it does look sharp! (the naked 07 also came in the power blue configuration in Europe) the 08 had the cobalt blue and the 09 had the light coloured power blue with silver frame nice.

i think those are the blues along the years, if i missed any.. chime in
So it sounds like most, if not all of the years come in some shade of blue, that's good to know. I figured they would but I saw the new FZ6R only comes in two colors, so I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. Regder, I agree that red looks down right sexy! Thanks for the help!