What Would YOU Do?

I don't do anything except get away from them, be it fast forward or turn off on another route. There's no way a bike will win against a car unless you have an easy escape route.

Don't sweat the small stuff. Stay focused on your riding and always be looking for these people. The best thing you can do is not put yourself in some of these positions. Do your best to anticipate people's moves and always err on the side of caution when predicting their next action.
I know i'm a newbie so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I just remind myself that it's just people being stupid no one is trying to get me or piss me off and just let their stupidity roll off the armored shoulders and my day a hella of alot better then theirs cuz i'm rolling on my FZ6.
lol! how funny....we should have a broken mirror tally!

Gotta catch me first!


+1 on the tally
I usually try to keep my cool (and do 90% of the time) but yesterday was one of those days where I just couldnt do it. So i Ended up taking out my first mirror. A time warner truck cut me off and when i got up next to guy to give him a piece of my mind he laughed so I rolled off the throttle a little got some space dropped a gear shot forward and stiff armed his mirror looked in my mirror and saw his was barely hanging off his truck and was in pieces. I think I got a little extra satisfaction from that since i use time warner for tv and internet and my rates just got raised.
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I agree with what appears to be the prevailing sentiment to just take it in stride and move on. Hard to do in actual practice, and I make no claim that I am always in full control of my temper. Although I don’t think it is a good idea to turn around and chase someone, if they pull into a parking lot and its easy for you to pull in, or stop at the next light and you pull up next to them, I don’t think it could hurt to ask them (as non-confrontationally as possible) something like, “I’m sure you didn’t mean to, but do you realize that you nearly killed me back there? I and my fellow motorcyclists would appreciate it if you could watch out for us in the future and be more careful. Have a nice day.” Half will probably tell you to pound salt or think it to themselves. Four out of ten will probably wonder what the hell you are talking about. But maybe one in ten will realize their mistake, apologize, and be more careful. (I know, wishful thinking.)

Also, as viscerally appealing as taking out their mirror sounds, at that point they could take your license number and likely have you arrested for criminal damaging or assault.
This is something you have to accept, and it will happen more often than not to every rider. So chill out, like some other member has said, car vs motorcycle, car will win everytime.

So the only thing you can do is pay attention and be alert at all times, and make sure you choose the correct path of travel. Wrong lane and wrong position within the lane equals bad outcome regardless who's fault it may be. One lane will always be safer than the other, it's you as a rider that has to decide which path of travel will provide the safest and be the least vulnerable to these type of things from occuring.

Do what I do, get yourself a Stebel Nautilus Air Horn, 140dbs. Scares the living daylights out a driver IF you use it. I say "if" because most people fail or have the inability to use the horn when they need to, not after the fact. Most rider's natural reaction is to brake or swerve, which are life saving corrective action, but utilizing the horn in the earliest stages may save you from doing any braking or swerving.

Sometimes, when I start to see things develope that might require me to use my horn, I just start begging that they pull out in front of me so that I can blast them away and let everybody know in the entire block that some cager just messed up. Sick, but very gratifying.