What is the top speed for our FZ6?

Sg Fazerian

Junior Member
Jun 17, 2013
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When starting up the bike, the speedometer startup shows up to 299.

What's the fastest have you go on your Fazer? Me so far up to 210.
117MPH. However the speedometer always overreads so the actual speed was probably closer to 108MPH or so. She had some more left to go as well. Nothing like a good stretch of private road...
117MPH. However the speedometer always overreads so the actual speed was probably closer to 108MPH or so. She had some more left to go as well. Nothing like a good stretch of private road...

You said it, a good stretch of road with minimal traffic is good to test our machine. So, how far off are we with the actual speed that we are travelling.
I'v seen 140 mph indicated, but that was at Road America. I'd imagine it would maybe go slightly higher if I tried on the highway. It really hits a aerodynamic wall at about 135 mph though.
135MPH on my FZ6. Did it and could have kept going, but I got a feeling. Good thing I slowed down. I saw a Highway Patrol a minute or so later. Pretty sure it would have been "jail & throw away the key" time...

I've only gone 131MPH on my Sprint. Top Speed on my new Street Triple? 55MPH. Only have 20 miles on her. Gotta break her in before I can whack the throttle. It's killing me:spank:
Slowly working my way up as I learn the bike: 215km/h roughly. Was running out of road, so I figured it best to ease off.

Some excellent, freshly paved country roads just north of where I live. Need to scout out a really long stretch to ensure proper road conditions and gun it.
with my 17t front my speedometer is almost spot on (like mentioned) but it reallllly runs out of power, I can be kissing the rev limiter in 5th and grab 6th and barely mantain speed. I guess with the 16t I could pull through 6th. 157 is the best she had with the 17t, and that had a slight downhill help. Aerodynamics really hinder the FZ deep into triple digits.
It's really nice to see the feedback of FZ6 riders all over the world sharing their moments in achieving the max out of their machine. Hope more riders will share his experience here and share how to get the maximum from our machine.
I reckon as a fairly light 12 stone rider she'd be good for 140-150 on the speedometer, maybe a little more, but don't have the facilities or the balls to test this theory!

Believe it or not, the weight of the rider is almost negligible when talking about top speed. So long as the rider is not exceptionally wide or tall to impart a significant amount of additional drag, the top speed will be the same regardless of rider weight.

It's all about drag at high speed.
I had my first FZ6 up to about 138, but at 6'4" 190lbs at the time I'm sure I was hindering performance capabilities with my tall, lanky ass strapped to it. haha