What does everybody do for a living??

Never visited this thread but glad you found it Dani. Interesting to know what people do.

I am a Server/Storage Enginner for a wholesale energy company. I run two data centers and 26 remote locations. HP and EMC shop and we're doing server consolidation at the moment using HP blade systems and VMWare. Cool stuff! I get paid to play with the latest technology! :D

Woot! Hopefully you're pleased with your EMC gear. :thumbup:
I'm the Director of Program Management for global R&D at a large technology company (see above). We have R&D centers in several worldwide locations and I basically keep them hooked up with the various business units within the company. Means some travel to some rather cool locations, with a focus in China. :D
I don't think I posted in here yet so,

I am going into my third year at WMU studying mechanical engineering.

I just also started my third year as a mechanical intern, well they call us co-ops, for a company who makes analytical instrumentation called LECO.
Im a professional traveling photographer, I travel around to colleges taking composite pictures for frats and sororities. So i put up with a bunch of whinny rich kids..... but the bright side is that i get paid to travel 6 months out of the year and the other 6 months im on unemployment. lots of miles this summer :thumbup:
I am financial market analyst, at the Central Bank in Bulgaria! usually sitting in front of the computer all day long with piles of data to read and write about. It's quite interesting, though sometimes I just can't wait for the weekend so that I can take the bike and get out of the city.
Tin pusher.... I tell pilots what to do all day in one of the busiest, most complex airspace in the US. Even though I am employed by the US Govt, it's a great job. 18 years in & 3 to go to retirement.

I just hope I can make it before I burn out...:eek:
Product marketing in a large semiconductor company. I define new computer chips, set pricing, write documentation about them, talk with analysts, present at conferences, work with our sales team, meet with customers (has been more enjoyable since starting to ride the FZ6 to meetings). When my children ask what I do, I just keep it simple: I mostly send email all day. I work from home, so I sometimes arrange my schedule to take a zip through a canyon to my favorite California establishment, In N Out Burger.
As of an hour and a half ago I'm unemployed!!! Wahoo!! After 4 years in the US Navy, I worked 13 years for General Motors as a welding coordinator. Had enough of the mindless assembly line, union VS. management BS. With any luck I'll land a paid firefighter/paramedic gig.
um......congrats :confused:
Good luck with the firefighter/paramedic gig! :thumbup:
I am a millwright at a pharmaceutical plant and a used book store owner on the side, hope some day to give up the first job and just concentrate on books and bikes and more bikes!!!!!!