What does everybody do for a living??

I've worked in IT for around 12 years doing various roles - mainly revolving around making sure clients stay happy and that projects run on time and to budget.
I make steel and aluminum trim for Pole Barn type buildings. It can also be used for roofing on Residential housing as well. Pays good, close to home, and i have 5 years in. Guess you can say I'm in it for the long haul.
I was an engineman in the navy, during gulf war part 1. after i got out, i learned so much from uncle sam that i got a job with a pest control company, and i have been with them for 11 years. my job now is in termite work, i install sentricon on the perimeter of peoples home and monitor them checking for termites, when found, i add a bait matrix which eliminates the colony. its funny that i read a statistic that termites do billions and billions of dollars in damage every year, i wish i could get some of that in my pay check =D
my company is called OPC Pest Control - Specialists in providing integrated pest management programs.
I am a failure analysis tech for the second largest DRAM manufacture in the world. I get to use cool tools like a Scanning Electron Microscope, Transmission Electron Microscope, and a Focus Ion Beam to analyze why a the little DRAM is not working. It’s a fun job where I get to learn something new almost everyday.
I am an accountant, not sure what you call yourself in America? Maybe the same. I basically try to make sure UK guys pay low taxes, or IRS in Americas case!
I support the financial system for a mid-stream gas processing company, and act as a bridge between the accountants and the I.T. techie guys (two groups which do not communicate well)!
I am an Electronic Technician. I mostly administrate in a Cisco VOIP system, but also work in Fiber Optics, SONET, Microwave Radios, Two-way Trunked Radios, WLAN, Switchs, Routers, SCADA, transfer trip...etc.

I work for a local Power Company with two dams on the Columbia river in Washington State.
Sportrider, I was on a tender ship and I was attached to the repair dept. My shop would tear down engines and rebuild them , then dyno test and ship them out. we worked on the fire pumps, the P250 , injector repair, governor repairs. its fun calibrating governors when your leaned over the supercharger of a main draft blower in the main engine room. LOL.
I am a stay at home dad. I was a Railroad Conductor for 24 years. I had an accident on the job that caused problems with my work duties so they retired me. I still find plenty to do with 2 kids and have plenty of time to ride.
I am a stay at home dad. I was a Railroad Conductor for 24 years. I had an accident on the job that caused problems with my work duties so they retired me. I still find plenty to do with 2 kids and have plenty of time to ride.
So my friend you are a director of domestic engineering. Great job,
I am a stay at home dad. I was a Railroad Conductor for 24 years. I had an accident on the job that caused problems with my work duties so they retired me. I still find plenty to do with 2 kids and have plenty of time to ride.

wow.....sorry to hear about your accident, but congrats on being a stay at home dad.....I don't think I've ever met one of those! ;)
I'm a helicopter pilot, currently flying an Air Ambulance (the ugly bug-smasher in my avatar...) I will be taking a break from the ambulance for the summer, though - will be flying folks in and out of a remote fishing lodge in the Queen Charlotte Islands (northern BC). I'll be living at the Lodge - 2-weeks-on, 2-weeks-off, so lots of time off for riding - yay!!! Not to mention all the fresh salmon and halibut I can eat.... :D