What do you prefer?

When do you prefer to ride?

  • Day

    Votes: 92 76.7%
  • Night

    Votes: 6 5.0%
  • Dawn/Dusk

    Votes: 22 18.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If you mean riding, then any time/ day preferably, if you mean something else well then night it is !!
I voted night, cause it is so damn hot in Florida during the day.
Day allt he way. I have trouble with depth perception, and it is exacerbated at night.

I will make on eexception to this though. If I ride route 1A (up the NH seacoast), then it has to be the middle of the night so I can get good speed through the twisties. Otherwise there is way too much beach traffic. Best time I ever rode that road was at 11PM on a weeknight.
I voted for night time. Granted, you can see better during the day, but it's also hot and humid here during the day. Between the two is no good because you always wind up heading into the sun at some point and that sucks. Night is great..no sun, cooler temps and less traffic. The only bad things about night time are not being able to pick out the cop cars as easily, and more drunk people on the roads.
Day time definitely. Way too many deer around here at night, plus we have a strong coastal weather influence that can make the nights near chilly. Dusk & dawn have the same problems, plus you add in the risk of cars having the sun in their eyes, and motorcycles become even harder to see.
I'm a skin rashed gangrenous engorged vampire. I feed on your children at night. I know where your wife sleeps and I'll eventually contaminate her into being one of my spawns.

To answer your question, I prefer the night.
Daytime. Far too many big brown furry things at other times. We have 3-4 fatalities per year due to deer strikes. Last year, I lost one of my best friends (Safety Instructor) to a deer strike.
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