Weight Loss

post pics to inspire yourself :)

i was 122kg (268lb) mid last year

i am 106kg (231lb) at present (put some weight back on over xmas and while on crutches

time to lose some more and hopefully sit at 90kg (198lb)

mine has been through controlling my portions, exercise, no softdrink, minimal beer intake and healthier eating (ie i eventually ate about 3kg (6.5lbs) of fruit and veges (mainly veges like cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, beans, carrots, celery.. all raw) between 7am and 2pm just grazing while i work and then have a small healthy meal for dinner no later than 6pm)

after 2 days of this... you will poop yourself thinner :p

i started at small amounts of fruit and vege with small exercise (30 min walk + 20 min bike ride + 20 min low intensity aerobic activity) up to the 3kg of fruit and vege and 1 hour ride + 30 min fast walk (almost jog) and 1 hour gym work

1 hour ride before work, 30 min fast walk during lunch hour, gym in the evening

it seemed to work :)
I suppose I should post my as well since I started this LOL
Biggest Losers Club:
Height : 5'10"
Weight : 200 lbs (January 2)
Recommend BMI : 20-25
Recommended Weight according to BMI : 150 - 170 lbs
Target Weight: 175 lbs
Plan: Loose the fat, replace with muscles (hopefully) through exercise and
healthy eating.
Current Weight: 197.5 lbs (January 9)
Stair climbing and elliptical exercise. Eating more salad than before.
Hopefully I'll lose more weight when I start more exercise and less net surfing, LOL.
6'2" eyes of blue and 224 pounds.
my plan is to get back on the treadmill , when you run on a treadmill for an hour and see the calories you burn it makes eating fatty foods less appealing as you know how hard you have to work to burn them off.
I've been doing a lot of exercise since January of 2007. Here's what works for me.

If you're going to buy an exercise machine, buy a good one. You'll enjoy using a good one, and because you paid more for it, you'll want to use it.
If you buy a cheap one, it'll fall apart and end up being used as a clothes rack. There's a reason gyms pay $8000 for a Life Fitness machine as opposed to $200 for a Wal-Mart machine.

Put the TV in the same room as the exercise machine, directly in front of it.
Remove all other furniture from the room. You get the picture. You'll work out more and watch less TV.
An addendum to this is that if you do other forms of exercise, you save up TV time. One hour mountain biking will earn you an hour of TV with no exercise. But don't even think of bringing furniture into the room. If you do, you'll never move it out of the room again. For your free hour of TV, you get to sit on the floor.

Sweets and treats are OK. Think about it, if your weight was stable (ableit high) before, and now you work out, you have increased your calorie burning without increasing your intake. To put it another way, I work out so that I CAN eat a pint of Haagen Daas once in while. And if you subscribe to this philosophy, you don't feel like a failure when you do eat junk food. This is good because you don't feel that you've ruined alal your hard work and have to start over, or more likely, give up completely.

Oh yeah, and one last thing. Take your bathroom scale and take it out back and DESTROY IT WITH A HAMMER. First off, the cheap digital scales are wildly inaccurate. Mine will report my weight, and I can then go to the bathroom and afterwards, the scale will tell me that I just gained three pounds. IT DOES THIS EVERY TIME. (Maybe I'm not doing it right.) So, don't trust the scale. Trust your gut, literally. If you're going to track things, get a measuring tape. Or just use a mirror. Weight is irrelevent. Appearance is what will tell you the facts about your physical condition.

Change up your exercise routine. Your body will adapt to one workout and fall into a rut where it just won't lose any more weight. Add some variety to keep your metabolism on its toes.

Don't neglect the weights. Just by having muscle, you'll burn fat. If you alternate weights one day with aerobics the next day, you'll lose fat faster and as it comes off, what's underneath will look damned good.

Unfortunately there is no easy way out. For me at least, it's about a change of lifestyle more than about dieting. I will only stick to a diet (including taking pills) if I also exercise, watch what I eat and drink ETC... Losing weight is opposite of saving money; the pounds are easy to come, and hard to go. Whereas with money, well you get the idea.
Whoa, I'm not sure I would be any more interested in looking at pictures of overweight men. LOL
Well I broke in my new running shoes tonight, only 30 mins but at least it's something. This might be the start of something, or maybe not.
Well I had 2 cadbury cream eggs to celebrate ;)
just got back from the Gym for the 2nd time this week so far, did a workout on the eliptical machine for 34 mins, went a distance of 3.43 miles and burned 514 calories... or so the display told me.

next trip is the weight machines, i am going to be alternating 2-3 times of cardio to each lifting visit, i need to lose more weight than i need to bulk up