How's everyone's weight loss going?


Stop looking at my title!
Jul 7, 2008
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Bristow Virginia
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Just thought I would check up on everyone who posted their weight loss goals and let you know how I was doing for both our motivational purposes.

It's been three weeks since I started excercising and selecting better foods to eat. I haven't been religously excercsing daily but it is rare for me to miss two days in a row. I have been doing at minimum 10 dips and 10 push-ups, 'running' on the eplitical machine for 10-30 minutes and doing at least 50 'crunches'. I should really be doing another set or two of the dips and push-ups everyday but I have been lazy about them. For my crunches I am doing a modified crunch I read about in mens health. You lift your legs off the floor, knees bent and shins at a 90 degree angles to the floor, like you were sitting but laying on your back. Holding a broomstick in both hands(you dont really need anything it just helps to keep your posture if having trouble, I use dumbells)try to lift off the ground until the broom stick is past your toes. Rise slowly concentrating on curling each vertabrea off the floor.

For food I haven't been as selective as I should be but I have been choosing healthier options. My overall calorie and fat intake has gown down but there are days I splurge. Contrary to my advice I have been weighing myself. And I actually am a pound heavier than I was on January 1. Although I haven't seen weight loss I feel like I have lost some belly fat and gained some muscle mass in my arms as well as increased stamina. I am hoping muscle weights more than fat is accounting for the weight gain :)

I am "in shape" so this weekend I start getting serious-er or more serious-er. I have ordered P90X because last time I lost 20 lbs I did it by myself and was doing a lot of research on food and gym excercises. Since then I am working farther away from home and I don't like getting to the gym so late. I am hoping in the summer with the sun out later I will start going again. So I felt a structured nutrition and excercise program would help with the time issue.

The P90X program recommends you pass their fitness test before you start in order to get the most results. Don't waste your money if you can't do the fitness test because you will give up because the excercises are too hard. I got the discs off ebay and pieced together the excercise guide and diet plan from various internet postings. You also have to buy at least a pull-up bar and some bands or dumbells. I have some 10lbs dumbells so I got the bands for now as they were cheaper and may pick up some 20-25 lbs dumbells later. As long as everything has arrived I plan to start on February 1st.

But I am starting the diet this weekend and am going to step up my excercising by also including some of the videos my wife bought previously (from the same people).

The diet had me going a little crazy but I think I have it worked out for the first week and will adjust to different foods as I go. I am actually eating less than the program recommends for my weight for two reasons 1)I won't be doing their excercises to start, so not as much calorie burn 2)I know when I start I may cheat some so by planning for less and maybe adding an extra vegetable or fruit will put me where I want to be. I also may have to adjust my lunch and dinner portion size depending on hunger.

8oz non fat yogurt
1 fruit serving (banana or apple this week)

Ham or Turkey Wrap on wheat with a lot (2 cups)lettuce and tomato and a little mustard

9oz piece of fish, chicken, turkey, lean pork or read meat
2 cups of vegetables
1 8oz glass of skim milk

12 mini rice cakes
1 protein bar
1 protein shake (prob substitute or go without until I start P90x)

It will probably end up around 1800 calories but the first month's diet is set to lose fat. In the second and third months you get to change it some. I decided to start the diet beforehand so I can build myself up to the dieting which for me is harder than the excercising.

Anyway thats where I am at three weeks later I hope everyone else is doing well.

1/1 217.4 lbs
1/21 218.6 lbs

I will check back tomorrow in case anyone has any questions or needs links.
I am on track. I have gained 8 pounds so far :) Haha. Best of luck to all of you who are allowed to diet right now!
So far, after three weeks of eating better and a good level of exercise, I have lost at least 5 pounds. I feel better already and seems to have more energy. I hope to keep it up!
Still static,

I have hit the lazy train:(, will get back on it again, thanks for the post.

Bummer. Me? I'm not overweight, but I wasn't happy with my was more just ... mass...than anything lol. I decided to get tone (I don't get built). So I've only made a few minor changes.

1) sodas are a splurge..1-2 times a week
2) no candy/chocolate/ice cream/sweet treats in the cupboard to snack on
3) eliminate Tostitos cheese's my arch nemesis
4) eliminate fast food (occasionally I'll get it, but nowadays it makes me feel gross)
5) buy healthier snacks like peanut bars, trail mix (with m&ms ;)), goldfish
6) eat more velveeta mac n cheese. More chicken, pasta and energy foods.
7) Less frozen foods
8) I write down what I eat to keep track of when I splurge and how much...taco tuesday is OK ;)
9)No more coffee. I drink tea and attempt to avoid caffeine so I don't crash in the day
10) I'm lucky, I can ride my bicycle to and from work for 6 miles a day.
11) CUT OUT ALCOHOL. not completely, but I went to 2 days a week from maybe 4-5. You'll feel happier too lol

An average day is:

Breakfast: eggs & bacon OR breakfast burrito OR bowl of cereal (1% milk or 2%)
Bicycle to work 15mins
Snack: if I eat cereal, I'm hungry by 10/1030 so I'll munch trail mix for 5 minutes...make yourself stop because it's really good!

lunch: turkey or roast beef (from deli so it's not full of chemicals to keep it fresh for 4 weeks at a small amount (3/4lb) each week because it goes bad quick) with lettuce or sprouts, tomato, mayo, mustard, FUN breads like pita, rye...anything but generic white

snack: more trail mix or a peanut chewy bar
Bicycle back from work all uphill: 30mins

dinner: pasta and meatballs, chicken and pasta, pasta and pasta lol
usually no snacks after eating allowing 2-3 hours before bed to digest and settle

results: I've been doing this since December. I've since lost my beer gut, am showing actual hip bones, beginning to be able to see the six pack we all have in us, and I feel healthier with more energy. I really attribute it to cutting out fast food and exercising aerobically for 30mins per day. Adding in exercises is just icing on the cake and totally awesome. Some days you'll be like, "I CAN'T WAIT TO GET OFF WORK AND WORK OUT!" It'll happen...

last thing: get creative with foods. Don't just get marinara sauce for pasta...get the fun local cream sauce with artichokes and herbs...get the fun juice with your eggs...don't eat the same thing over and over because you'll burn out. Change breads, meats, sauces...anything to make the same thing different! I change it up every week :)
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Not to me:spank:

Sorry, funny because it reminds me of my wife. She is always hungry, (no she's not pregnant) she gets food,nibbles on it and then goes about her business leaving me to "clean up" the leftovers. (and she is the skinny one)
I didn't post a goal, but so far, it's going well.

I'm not watching weight, just the mirror.

I've been bicycling and using the elliptical runner. I signed up for Netflix so I'll always have something to watch on the TV.

(The TV is in front of the elliptical runner, in a room with no furniture.)

I'm sore all over, but I enjoy that. It feels like progress.
Sorry, funny because it reminds me of my wife. She is always hungry, (no she's not pregnant) she gets food,nibbles on it and then goes about her business leaving me to "clean up" the leftovers. (and she is the skinny one)

In that case... yes, that is funny...
You'd think that with all the snow cleanup every few days here I'd be down a few pounds but I'm not. I've been lazy and to be honest, my lower back has been a bit of trouble so I've not been able to do much.

Whoever lost the first 3 pounds, I found them! :ban: :eek: :confused:
1/2/2009 286
1/21/2009 281

not much of a weight loss yet, but I got a new kegerator for Xmas, that may explain the slow progress.:iconbeer:
Good luck to all! Mine is working well so far.

12/2/08: 200
1/21/09: 192

The goal was 180. I have agreed to do a week of bicycle riding with teammates in Colorado this summer (60mi, 5000ft of climbing/day), which means I better lower the target another 5 lbs & keep training!
1/2/2009 286
1/21/2009 281

not much of a weight loss yet, but I got a new kegerator for Xmas, that may explain the slow progress.:iconbeer:

Good luck to all! Mine is working well so far.

12/2/08: 200
1/21/09: 192

The goal was 180. I have agreed to do a week of bicycle riding with teammates in Colorado this summer (60mi, 5000ft of climbing/day), which means I better lower the target another 5 lbs & keep training!

You guys are right on. Ideally you want to lose about 1 pound a week. If you do anymore than that you may be losing muscle or you were retaining lots of water prior to eating healthy. Keep it up!!!!
i am still flat... it is hard trying to lose when Keira is hungry every 15 minutes....

I lost the most weight with my wife's first pregnancy, she was eating all the "healthy" stuff and none of the usual fatty, non heart healthy food that I lost so much.
By the second child, I ended up finishing up the left overs like a mobile garbage disposal unit without the flip up switch.
Currently, I weigh about 285+, 5'10". My BMI tells me I'm in the overweight class, nearing obese. :eek:
Wonder if anyone has any experience with the P90X, looks interesting. Requires some serious dedication, although it's only an hour/day
