Weight Loss

My Sacrafice

OK I am going for it I will post a pic of my gut and man boobs.

I will commit myself to either walking to work 3 miles each way or running on my lunch break. If I have to get in early. I will start this on 14th Jan when I go back after my paternity leave. It will mean I sacrafice riding my FZ6. My reward will be buying some new leather pants in spring.
I have a bunch of weight to lose.
I am 5'6" (167cm) my waist size has gone up from 32" (81.2cm) to 36" (91,4cm)
I am 12 sone 7 lbs (175lbs) (79.54 Kg)
I want to get to:

11 stone 7 lbs (161lbs) (73.18Kg)

This is my initial goal over the next 6 weeks.

I would like to get down to my target (ideal weight):
11 stone (154lbs) (70Kg)

Thats the tough bit. I will do a weekly post to say how im getting on and tell you all what I did. I think (well know actually) My calories are coming from the beer. So wish me luck and keep me going. Obviously if anyone wants to join me I will provide support.

This thread could be kept private as Dennis has also given the option of using a code to view. I think

OK I am going for it I will post a pic of my gut and man boobs.

I will commit myself to either walking to work 3 miles each way or running on my lunch break. If I have to get in early. I will start this on 14th Jan when I go back after my paternity leave. It will mean I sacrafice riding my FZ6. My reward will be buying some new leather pants in spring.
I have a bunch of weight to lose.
I am 5'6" (167cm) my waist size has gone up from 32" (81.2cm) to 36" (91,4cm)
I am 12 sone 7 lbs (175lbs) (79.54 Kg)
I want to get to:

11 stone 7 lbs (161lbs) (73.18Kg)

This is my initial goal over the next 6 weeks.

I would like to get down to my target (ideal weight):
11 stone (154lbs) (70Kg)

Thats the tough bit. I will do a weekly post to say how im getting on and tell you all what I did. I think (well know actually) My calories are coming from the beer. So wish me luck and keep me going. Obviously if anyone wants to join me I will provide support.

This thread could be kept private as Dennis has also given the option of using a code to view. I think

Hey Neil, based on the figures you posted and factoring an age of 40 my desk reference would indicate you are shooting for the mean. It allows 149 to 164 pounds depending on frame structure and holds to a BMI of 19 to 23. Good luck buddy.
Hey Neil, based on the figures you posted and factoring an age of 40 my desk reference would indicate you are shooting for the mean. It allows 149 to 164 pounds depending on frame structure and holds to a BMI of 19 to 23. Good luck buddy.
Hi Mate, Im 37 years young. I was 154lbs right until I hit 30. Then I woke up with a beer gut lol. What system are you using please and have you got a link?
Are you saying that I need to go lower?
Hi Mate, Im 37 years young. I was 154lbs right until I hit 30. Then I woke up with a beer gut lol. What system are you using please and have you got a link?
Are you saying that I need to go lower?

No, not at all. The goal you have set is very good for your age and height. Remember, speaking in terms relative to the biology of the human species, weight increases with age even under the best of conditions. If an individual can come within 10% of their respective weight at age 20 when between 40 and 50 years of age they are doing quite well. I also think you have done well to establish a longer time frame for the loss as this will be key to keeping it off. Quick weight loss can be a bad thing even though the loss of weight is no doubt good in many respects. I used a diabetic diet when my wife was losing weight (70+ pounds) about 8 years ago. It took a bit over 2 years to get to the goal weight and things have remained there ever since.
Not a healthy choose, but i keep finding i am 20 kgs lighter when i smoke. Last time i took back up lost the 20kgs in 8 weeks, then gave up again and put it straight back on. It would also help if they made all beer taste like crap, 7 30 pack cartons over the 2 week christmas break, damn taste good but bad on the wast line.
Thanks for that mate, I'm not sure how its gona help me though lol. Are you gona sign up to lose the spare tyre?

im looking at finding a gym at the moment that isnt going to sent me broke. Have got the home gym and bike sitting right behind me but cant seem to find motivation to get on them and use them. 110kgs want to get to 90 that is a comfortable weight for me never been small, i give it a go.:rockon:
im looking at finding a gym at the moment that isnt going to sent me broke. Have got the home gym and bike sitting right behind me but cant seem to find motivation to get on them and use them. 110kgs want to get to 90 that is a comfortable weight for me never been small, i give it a go.:rockon:
I hear you about gym fees. I am really lucky where I work we get a huge subsidie. I just don't have the hours in the day to do it. I work six days a week. Haveing thre children under three also requires all hands to the pump. It would be a bit selfish of me to bugger off to the gym and leave the wife to it. So I figure I got to maximise my hours in the day. I have started walking every where. I just got plain lazy. Off topic, what type of drill bit did you use to drill out your exhaust?
The wrong sort, everthing i read said the can had ceramic in it so i bought masonary bits, but there sure isnt any ceramic just thin tin, the masonary bits were a tenth of the price of hss so i was happy to burn them out
About 4 years ago I starting going to the gym, faithfully. I went 7 days a week, went on slim-fast.....had one for breakfast and lunch, a couple of snacks and then at dinner, I would eat the same thing, but cut my portions in half. I lost 15 lbs in a month, but..........then I had the flu for a week and have been lazy ever since. At the gym, I started out on the treadmill for 30 minutes, then went to the stair stepper (that thing kicked my a$$.) What sucks is that, I have a FREE membership to the gym, but the gym is 55 miles one way and I don't have the money or time for that drive. :mad:
I believe that you can eat what you want, but smaller portions. They key is, as someone has already said, eat little snacks constantly to keep your metabolism going. Your stomach should never be hungry nor full, just content.
I know what to do, but am just too lazy to do it. I only eat once a day (dinner)
Anyways....good luck all, with your weight loss. :thumbup:
also find a work out buddy! i find that a good friend that will tell me i am a fat a** is great motivation. also tell you spouse to support you positivley and negatively (you're doing good or you look like jabba the hut) and that will help you
I only eat once a day (dinner)
My Grandmother only ate one meal per day. The meal usually started right after she got up in the morning and ended just before she went to bed at night. LOL

I deal with people every day who have back and neck problems stemming from being overweight. As Perryn said early on in this thread "you have to burn more calories than you take in". The healthiest way is to eat a balanced meal of moderate quantity and exercise. The exercise should be mostly a weight bearing aerobic exercise that lasts at least 20 minutes. It needs to be vigorous enough to get your heart rate up to 120 beats per minute and needs to be done at least three times per week. If you have heart or health problems, be sure to check with your doctor first. Diets are ok as long as you exercise also. And don't get carried away with the diet. If you starve yourself too much your body will go into survival mode and will save the fat and burn protein. For most people, exercising the way they should is a life habit change and is difficult to start, but once a habit, easy to maintain. Life so easily gets in the way. But, even if you missed a week or two because of a death in the family or whatever, if you exercise when you can it will still help. Exercise is THE best way to reduce mental stress. I have found that at least 60% of the health problems that come into my clinic are directly or at least indirectly due to mental stress!
Getting started on an exercise program is very hard for most people, but with a little will power, a regular exercise program can change your life.

Sorry about writing a book here, I guess the doctor in me came out.:eek:

Oh, and one more thing. Be honest with yourself. I had a patient that I put on a mild exercise program because she was so obese. I had her walking on the local school track everyday. One day I decide to check and see how she walked and to see if she was wearing proper shoes (women have a bad habit of wearing crummy shoes that don't give proper support). Well, she didn't know I was there. I found that her "exercise walk" consisted of once around the track (1/4 mile). I don't believe she could have walked at a slower pace!!! She would actually stop about every 30 meters because of her being distracted with her cell phone call!! I asked a friend of hers if she always exercised like that. She did! When I talked to her about it and showed her how to walk briskly, she got mad and told me I was asking too much! So, the lesson here is that if your are not serious about exercising, don't waste your time trying. It will only stress you more. And, don't expect quick results!!!!! Good, safe, permanent results will take time. Like months to years. Again, sorry about the book I have written.
My Grandmother only ate one meal per day. The meal usually started right after she got up in the morning and ended just before she went to bed at night. LOL

I deal with people every day who have back and neck problems stemming from being overweight. As Perryn said early on in this thread "you have to burn more calories than you take in". The healthiest way is to eat a balanced meal of moderate quantity and exercise. The exercise should be mostly a weight bearing aerobic exercise that lasts at least 20 minutes. It needs to be vigorous enough to get your heart rate up to 120 beats per minute and needs to be done at least three times per week. If you have heart or health problems, be sure to check with your doctor first. Diets are ok as long as you exercise also. And don't get carried away with the diet. If you starve yourself too much your body will go into survival mode and will save the fat and burn protein. For most people, exercising the way they should is a life habit change and is difficult to start, but once a habit, easy to maintain. Life so easily gets in the way. But, even if you missed a week or two because of a death in the family or whatever, if you exercise when you can it will still help. Exercise is THE best way to reduce mental stress. I have found that at least 60% of the health problems that come into my clinic are directly or at least indirectly due to mental stress!
Getting started on an exercise program is very hard for most people, but with a little will power, a regular exercise program can change your life.

Sorry about writing a book here, I guess the doctor in me came out.:eek:

Oh, and one more thing. Be honest with yourself. I had a patient that I put on a mild exercise program because she was so obese. I had her walking on the local school track everyday. One day I decide to check and see how she walked and to see if she was wearing proper shoes (women have a bad habit of wearing crummy shoes that don't give proper support). Well, she didn't know I was there. I found that her "exercise walk" consisted of once around the track (1/4 mile). I don't believe she could have walked at a slower pace!!! She would actually stop about every 30 meters because of her being distracted with her cell phone call!! I asked a friend of hers if she always exercised like that. She did! When I talked to her about it and showed her how to walk briskly, she got mad and told me I was asking too much! So, the lesson here is that if your are not serious about exercising, don't waste your time trying. It will only stress you more. And, don't expect quick results!!!!! Good, safe, permanent results will take time. Like months to years. Again, sorry about the book I have written.

Good advise Doc, I'll head to the local high school track and do a lap this afternoon
My Grandmother only ate one meal per day. The meal usually started right after she got up in the morning and ended just before she went to bed at night. LOL

the lesson here is that if your are not serious about exercising, don't waste your time trying. It will only stress you more. And, don't expect quick results!!!!! Good, safe, permanent results will take time. Like months to years. Again, sorry about the book I have written.
I think that is an excellent post, I am not de-motivated to exercise. I simply don't have the time. Hence I will walk to work or run in my lunch break. Before we had the children I used to run 3-5 miles a day. It is such a good stress buster. My fitness has slipped to the point now where I struggle to run a mile. I aim to build up my areobic capacity again and then I will start running to work and cycling home a few times a week. I also totally agree that realistic goals are fundamental to long term success.
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I will admit that the majority of doctors and nurses are in terrible shape. They say "do as I say, not as I do". I have always tried to be a good example for my patients. Up until I was 47, I was in excellent shape. I was able to run 26 miles without much trouble. I wouldn't win a race but, I would finish in good time. I kept my upper body toned by doing push-ups, sit-ups, over hand chin-ups, dips, and bicep curls. Also, my job is fairly physical. I am lifting, pushing, and adjusting people all day. And some of these people weigh more than 400 pounds (thats roughly 29 stone for you British mates). But, I am ashamed to admit that I haven't worked out since I turned 48.:eek: I am now about to turn 52. :(
I have only gained about 5 pounds since I have stopped, but I can tell that I have really lost the tone in my muscles. The fact that I still physically move patients every day, I'm sure has helped me from getting too bad. But, like a lot of you, I too need to start exercising again. It is really tough getting myself to start! I know that once I start again It will be easy to maintain it. So, good luck to all of you, and cheer me on also!:thumbup:
My sister bought me a pair of running shoes for my birthday, I think this is enough of a hint ;)
I want to get rid of my beer gut, preferably this year.
I became a member of a gym/sport club in june but have hardly used it at all. I used to keep my weight down playing squash and tennis, but in recent years i've had some (light) back problems which has meant stopping these sports, if I don't do other regular exercise.
I used to enjoy jogging, but it's difficult to get motivated to jog on these cold, wet and dark nights.
Everyone says I should start swimming, it's good for my back and my condition and there is an extensive swimming pool complex just around the corner , but for me swimming is the sport I like the least (proper swimming not just splashing around).
The biggest problem is simply getting motivated, so I might decide to do something about it really soon, but then again...;)
:justkidding:Dam your apathy man. There are a number of things you can do to help, walk, take stairs, play with the kids, vigorous sex. So don't give up mate. Small battles to win wars.
I am trying to get the nerve to post the pic of my gut.

:justkidding:Dam your apathy man. There are a number of things you can do to help, walk, take stairs,
As opposed to the ladder or the stair lift I have in my house ;)

: play with the kids,
that's what did my back in in the first place.

:vigorous sex.
Never been opposed to that one.

: So don't give up mate. Small battles to win wars.
And I always thought it was atomic bombs :thumbup:

:I am trying to get the nerve to post the pic of my gut.

you aint seeing my belly on a public forum, but I reacon you've got a lotta bottle if you do :thumbup:
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As opposed to the ladder or the stair lift I have in my house ;)

that's what did my back in in the first place.

Never been opposed to that one.

And I always thought it was atomic bombs :thumbup:

you aint seeing my belly on a public forum, but I reacon you've got a lotta bottle if you do :thumbup:
I thought a nice little before and after pic.