Weight Loss


winter soldier
Elite Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Edison, NJ
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So here we are again at the end of the old year and in with the new. I got a colleague's wedding coming up in October 2008, and everyone of them started a Biggest Losers program. And I found myself signed up for it before I even knew about it. I suppose it'll be alright, it will score some points with my wife at least.
So my question is what is the best way besides stapling my lips before meal time. I've seen plenty of infomercials and one strikes to be of interest. P90X, don't know if it's just here in the U.S. but what do you guys think? It's a bit costly at $120+ SH. Diet never work before. All those commercials look soooo
convincing, is it just smoke or is it for real? Hey it's over 100 clams of my hard earned money.:confused:
I'm right there with you. I received an all inclusive trip to Cabo for christmas, so I want to drop about 50 pounds. Myself, I'm doing the old healthy diet and exercise thing. Should come off quickly and stay off.
I have been eating healthier and exercising slightly more and have lost about 13 Lbs in the past month, although i am up for trying a miracle pill if it works.

Let me know how it works if you decide to try it.
I hate to tell you this, but there are no miracle pills. I have tried eveything on the market. The only thing that works is. Burn more calories than you consume, that sucks though cause I like beer and I like my sofa:confused::thumbup:
It's actually a DVD or VHS collection and suppose to contain high intense exercises that keeps your body from becoming stagnant with old fashioned, traditional workout. I read several reviews on it (Pros and Cons) and seen some user posted pics from before and after. Just like anything else it's really a matter of how determine one can be. Not a pill but a very expensive exercise program. I tried the gym only to loose interest in a few weeks. Maybe I'll try my wife's elliptical exercise machine to tone up before trying this P90X. Besides I have until October before the wedding and win the pot for losing the most weight.
It's actually a DVD or VHS collection and suppose to contain high intense exercises that keeps your body from becoming stagnant with old fashioned, traditional workout. I read several reviews on it (Pros and Cons) and seen some user posted pics from before and after. Just like anything else it's really a matter of how determine one can be. Not a pill but a very expensive exercise program. I tried the gym only to loose interest in a few weeks. Maybe I'll try my wife's elliptical exercise machine to tone up before trying this P90X. Besides I have until October before the wedding and win the pot for losing the most weight.

Have you given any thought to walking/hiking? Additionally, you'll have to determine your bodies needs relative to your work out structure and food intake. Exercise is but a part of the overall package in terms of any weight loss program paid for or not. How do I know this? Helped the misses lose 80 pounds over a two year period. When an individual is traditionally overweight food and exercise in a balanced regime are a fundamental necessity. I'll tell ya something else, it ain't easy for these folks at all and it's a life change.
As a student of KNES; there is one major tip I can provide.

--Don't focus too hard.

It's like staring at the clock. If you watch every second of time pass by, it'll feel like forever. However, if you find an enjoyable activity and do that for a while, the seconds feel like they pass by more quickly.
It's actually a DVD or VHS collection and suppose to contain high intense exercises that keeps your body from becoming stagnant with old fashioned, traditional workout. I read several reviews on it (Pros and Cons) and seen some user posted pics from before and after. Just like anything else it's really a matter of how determine one can be. Not a pill but a very expensive exercise program. I tried the gym only to loose interest in a few weeks. Maybe I'll try my wife's elliptical exercise machine to tone up before trying this P90X. Besides I have until October before the wedding and win the pot for losing the most weight.
Sorry mate my bad, as stated exercise is key. You just need to find an activity you enjoy. Now personally I like naked mud wrestling, shame there isn't a local club lol.
Good luck. Why don't we get a poll or something going. Post a pic of our before and after bodies to help motivate each other.
I am a firm believer in watching what you eat and how much of it, and plenty of excersize. My girlfriends mom, however, has lost a bunch of weight on the South Beach Diet, and I dont think she has done a bit of working out.

One of my roommates last year is a body builder of sorts. He is probably 5' 11" and weighs maybe 220 or so, but it is all muscle. He was on such a strict diet with all the proteins and powders. But what really amazed me, what that he was always snacking on things. He wouldnt eat big meals, but he would always snack. This was inorder to keep his motabilism (spelling) high.
should we start a sub-forum and lock it so the non participators don't have access to it, We can post healthy recipe's, workout tips, pics, workout tracking ect.

Of course if we are all really serious about it we can do a contest also.
should we start a sub-forum and lock it so the non participators don't have access to it.

awww....that's crappy. I wasn't going to participate, I just thought it was a good idea. Hey, I know, I could be the judge and I get to ban the loser. :D

awww....that's crappy. I wasn't going to participate, I just thought it was a good idea. Hey, I know, I could be the judge and I get to ban the loser. :D


Well maybe not lock/block it, just thinking... Besides i think everyone could probably work to be a bit healthier... I have been trying but i still have a log way to go.
So here we are again at the end of the old year and in with the new. I got a colleague's wedding coming up in October 2008, and everyone of them started a Biggest Losers program. And I found myself signed up for it before I even knew about it. I suppose it'll be alright, it will score some points with my wife at least.
So my question is what is the best way besides stapling my lips before meal time. I've seen plenty of infomercials and one strikes to be of interest. P90X, don't know if it's just here in the U.S. but what do you guys think? It's a bit costly at $120+ SH. Diet never work before. All those commercials look soooo
convincing, is it just smoke or is it for real? Hey it's over 100 clams of my hard earned money.:confused:

That's a good goal and a good motivation too. I am not much for forking out money for exercise and diets. The simple rule as someone stated - consume less calories than you use - works all the time.
If I watch what I eat - avoid sugars and fats, add more vegetables and fruits, and regular intense-enough exercise for 20-30 min - I find it works slowly but surely. You have eight months so you definitely dont want crash diets /programs anyway! I am not trying to make it sound too simple but it is not a rocket science or a there is no magical fix in any of these programs.
There are books which describe lots of theories/opinions. Just get a cople of them from your local library and follow up your own routine with descipline. If you can get past all the commercialization and product promotions, books like Body for Life (Bill Phillips) or popular ones like South Breach Diet will give you some basic principles on nutrion and exercise and also some routines/schedules that can help you create your own. I am not endorsing these books or programs at all neither do I profess following these. I think they will give you some basics on nutrion and exercise that is easy to follow.
My advise, use the local library, save the money for more farkles.
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I'm reading this eating 2 slabs of peanut butter on toast. What do I need to do to burn off the calories???

walk for a mile or so i would say, the key to burning more calories than you eat is also depedent on your metabolism and you can burn more calories sitting around if you work out on a regular basis... if that makes sense to anyone.
motivate me people ;)
