Water Pump Hose Leak?


Mar 25, 2012
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St. Louis, MO
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So I noticed some dark fluid under my bike a little while ago and I never really knew what it was. When I first saw it, my oil and coolant levels looked normal. I smelled it and it smelled just like maple syrup. I've read that burned coolant can have a sweet smell like that so I assume that's what it is. Well then it got really freaking cold and I basically haven't touched my bike in 2 months because there's be a sheet of ice outside my garage for the entire time (freaking blows). I went out there today and started looking more closely. It looks like the lower hose to the water pump is leaking at the clamps. I've attached a side and under pic of the area. I've had the bike for two years now and never changed the coolant. When I got it, it only had 1500 miles on it, so I doubt the coolant has ever been changed. Could that be a reason? Or do those hoses just need to be changed after a few years? Has any here had this section of the hose leak before? I plan to order the hose section and the clamps and I think it will probably be an easy fix (god I hope LOL). Should I order the entire hose or just the area that I think is leaking? Well here are the pics. Let me know if anyone thinks there might be a different issue then what I think it is...

Side View

Under View
I bought mine brand new off the showroom floor and within the first 300 miles had a water-pump failure (thankfully it was still under warranty). A quick internet search shows that several models were plagued with faulty water-pumps from the factory. Guess Yamaha felt it was cheaper to replace them as they went opposed to doing a recall.
The sweet smell is definitely coolant. Keep pets away from that since it's poisonous.

Old coolant becomes acidic and can harm gaskets and internal parts so it's time for a change if yours is 7 or 8 years old.

It's so rare to see modern hoses fail these days. I'd clean the area off, make sure everything is tight and watch it to see if it's a gasket or the hose that is leaking. That white residue around the bolts in the first pic is curious.
I'd guess if you dump the fluid you'll see its much worse than expected. Once the fluid looses its anti-corrosion properties, it goes after the gaskets and metal, (aluminum & steel). As the aluminum corrodes, a thin layer expands under the clamp and you see a leak like what you have.

Flush the system, take the hoses off and clean under the rubber and clean the hoses interior and it will likely seal properly.

FWIW: 5 years on conventional A/F and its loosing its anti-corrosion properties and attacking the cooling system components.
I have a 2009 with a water pump leak when bought new. It was still under warranty and Yamaha tried to fix it 3 times by replacing the internal mechanical seal. All three times it continued to leak. On the forth repair, Yamaha replaced the whole water pump assembly. No leaks since. Parts/labor cost wise, Yamaha would have been better to replace the whole assembly right from the get go.