Warm up your tyres

Ouch, that must have hit someones insurance premium pretty heavily. Nice clip though, especially as it was a gixxer, and not a Fazer.
that sort of situation is pretty unusual...to crash it just as your leaving the store...how sick would you feel if that happened. I would go back and complain that the tyres had no grip..even if they are new they should be able to allow you to lean a small bit (not like this guy leaned over an awful lot anyway! )

sad...and very very very FUNNY!!...
I watched it a second time.... and still feel it was his assinine lack of skill.

if he had not let off it would have come back under him... obviously no dirt bike experience

listen to how he gets off the throttle just as it comes loose.

I have had my electraglide loose and by keep the power to it --- it came back under me...

scary --- heck yeah.... but no damage to me or the bike
guess know one told him about scrubbing in new tires. that had to hurt his pride more then anything else.
only bad things can come when your sitting there that long mustering up the guts to do something like that!
The only thing i want to know from both of those videos is, is the bike ok? lol i hate listening to the first video at the end and hear both bikes scrape the ground... ouch
Hmm, just as he gives it the gas, the video does about six repeats with a lot of digital distortion, then it starts playing again from the halfway point. It must be my digital luck from work today, carrying over to my home time... :mad:
same here (vid probs).

What was the finished product supposed to be? Better than a back flip I suppose like video of the poor guy trying to land in the foam bin.
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First video score: Gravity and Inertia 1, Rider 0.

Second video score: Stupidity 1, Rider 0

First video: just a goofy mistake.

Second video: "What were you thinking?"