VIDEO - Motorcyclist Barrel Rolls down Highway - walks away

It looks like he was hurting pretty good when the officer ran up to him- I wonder if he got up quickly due to adrenaline rush? Also looks like he's wearing jeans.... yikes.

Yup, another reason for ATGATT if you needed one.
It's not a good thing to get up and move around with a fall like that, he might have internal injuries and it can get pretty bad, I would have stayed laying there on the side of the road for a while. I have heard of people who have died minutes to hours after a crash and they were feeling "ok".
It's not a good thing to get up and move around with a fall like that, he might have internal injuries and it can get pretty bad, I would have stayed laying there on the side of the road for a while. I have heard of people who have died minutes to hours after a crash and they were feeling "ok".

Well first instinct for anyone in a fall situation, from a motorcycle or not, is to get up. I would do the same thing he did. If I got up and didn't feel right then I would rest myself on the ground.
I thought he was going to taser him when he ran up like that.

He should have....that guy was asking for it.

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Well first instinct for anyone in a fall situation, from a motorcycle or not, is to get up. I would do the same thing he did. If I got up and didn't feel right then I would rest myself on the ground.

Your right about that, i didnt take the tumble like he did, but i got right up, got out of the street and then sat down on the curb.
What the heck made him crash? I didn't see any other cars near him.

My guess is that he was hauling a$$, saw the cop car too late and tried to slow down, then locked up the rear and lowsided. Did you see how far his bike slid?
Looks like the bottom line, as always, is SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course, ATGATT. Thanks for yet another reminder to ride safely.
LOL I would have moved away from the side of the road ASAP. IMO, first thing to do when you crash is get off the road if possible. Internal injuries vs. getting run over....

LOL I would have done that myself, but if I was away from oncoming traffic on the shoulder like he was, I would have stayed there for a while. Bottom line is we have to be careful outthere, accidents happen in a split second.
And of course always wear your gear.
A pro stuntman couldnt have rolled any better. That's why he was able to get up. I bet you guys are right, he saw the cop and panic braked. Dufus.

That bike went waayyy down the road. Best part of the whole thing, is that he got up concerned for the bike first...(of course). He was headed to go get it when the cop stopped him.
Adrenaline is a crazy thing.

When I wrecked I was on my feet instantly and I don't remember standing up.

Also he rolled pretty well. You want your knees and elbows to hit, then your back, etc, having your head and hands tucked in.
Of course this is going to hurt if you don't have proper gear.
He looked OK from the footage but we just don't know. Hopefully he is.

I thought he was going to taser him when he ran up like that.

He should have....that guy was asking for it

but I am puzzled as to why anyone thinks he needs tasering.