USB + iPhone 5 + 10 minute = discharged battery?

It doesn't take much if the tank is full. Mine drips even before the wires into the tank are fully tight. Doesn't drip on a half tank.

When all is said and done, you should have two hoses hanging down an inch or two, towards the right foot peg.

You're not doing anything wrong. :thumbup:
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It doesn't take much if the tank is full. Mine drips even before the wires into the tank are fully tight. Doesn't drip on a half tank.

When all is said and done, you should have two hoses hanging down an inch or two, towards the right foot peg.

You're not doing anything wrong. :thumbup:

My wife is livid, ROFL. House smells like gasoline. Cleaned up as much as I could and put the tank back down.

Didn't notice that my two (2) hoses coming down as low as yours (phrasing). The one on the clutch side comes and and crosses over to the one on the throttle side. But they're both above the center stand spring.

I'll pick this up in the morning, I guess.

LOL. Some women just don't appreciate a fine cologne. And complain when you leave the tank up. Blah

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Back on topic ... my battery is fine after three months on that charger. Yours will be good to go tomorrow.
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My wife is livid, ROFL. House smells like gasoline. Cleaned up as much as I could and put the tank back down.

Didn't notice that my two (2) hoses coming down as low as yours (phrasing). The one on the clutch side comes and and crosses over to the one on the throttle side. But they're both above the center stand spring.

I'll pick this up in the morning, I guess.


Please just tell us its contained and you don't have a Gas Fired Water Heater or son welding pipes on his car out there! We don't want to read about it!

Yes, 1.5A and most modern chargers will throttle back on their own so as oaks said, you will be fine.

I'm just here in the outfield taking the conservative approach as I'm not there with all the info.

I've removed my tank when it was full a few times but I always stored it flat so i can't say that it stopped leaking as I never left it upright and full for extended periods. But it never just kept poring out while upright and full either.

Be safe and Get Some FLOWERS on the way home tomorrow! :D
Fuel leaked in the garage where our furnace and water heater are located. I'm taking precautions and checking the bike regularly this evening. Waiting for the smell to dissipate. Ugh. Fuel vent hoses. Who'd have thunk...
Fuel leaked in the garage where our furnace and water heater are located. I'm taking precautions and checking the bike regularly this evening. Waiting for the smell to dissipate. Ugh. Fuel vent hoses. Who'd have thunk...

Open the garage door, let it evaporate to the outside. it may be chilly but will evaporate MUCH FASTER. If there's an actual puddle, soak it up with a rag and let that evaporate dry outside. A fan blowng outwards speeds things up too. Opening the house for 20 minutes will clear the fumes as well with the wind blowing it out....

Some Simple Green or Fantastic, etc, will remove any residue.

As noted above, if the charger is automatic and under 1.5 amps, your fine leaving it. *Leave the caps off for venting (ouside or in the garage, etc). *Before capping and the battery fully charged, top off with acid if necessary.. *

BTW, Oaks hoses are the same position/lenth as mine.
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Without making another gasoline mess, I started the battery change out process lasts night around 2100 hours local. It was not complete until 0800 this morning.

What follows are pics for newbies like me who haven't done this before...

Checked the voltage on battery before acid -- < 3V...

View attachment 52695

Compare with voltage on 7 year old original battery -- < 13V...

View attachment 52696

I followed the instructions to the letter and started the acid pour into the battery...

View attachment 52697

After 8-9 minutes...

View attachment 52698

After 20+ minutes...

View attachment 52699

I checked the new battery voltage after sealing it up but prior to charging it -- 13V or so...

View attachment 52700

After charging all night in a cold garage -- 13.5V, roughly...

View attachment 52701

I installed the battery and fired up the bike. Noticed an immediate improvement in starting. Checked the voltage at 1800rpm idle and at 5000rpm throttle applied. Seemed to stick around 14V consistently...

View attachment 52702
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[MENTION=23263]nthdegreeburns[/MENTION] Good Job! :thumbup:

Everything looks to be in order so your set! Hopefully no more troubles!