USA gas prices: Don't complain!


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Jan 12, 2008
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Sacramento, CA
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Reminder that gas is a BARGAIN in USA:

(see below for gas price in Italy (February, 2010) Prices below are in Euros. Current exchange rate: 1 Euro = $1.35 USD
1 liter gasoline @ 1.29 Euros-$1.74 USD
That comes out to $6.96 USD for 4 liters
3.78 liters (1 gallon) x $1.74 = $6.57 per gallon!

Next time you fill up in USA, remember, your friends across the pond are paying TTA! At those prices it would cost you $32.85USD to fill up (5 gallons) the FZ6 in Italy. Ciao.
how many hummers do you see on the roads over there?
Funny you should ask because I do remember seeing ONE Hummer. One doesn't see hardly ANY US made vehicles and when one does, it's a head turner. They do have GM, Ford dealerships in Italy and it's kinda like seeing a Ferrari dealership in the states. If you're near a US base then you'll see a few more US made cars.
Yeah the diff is that most cars there are half the size they are here, there is in general less distances to travel and the majority of cars sold today are diesel (or turbo diesel)... so it's not as bad as it looks :)
Well they also have a ton of those turbo diesel cars that get 45mpg! You know the car companies like VW and Mercedes are sill fighting to get their Diesels here in america but they are limited to so many by US law. Strange huh? Seems the US oil comanies have a stronger hold on what engine is used in america after all. Why don't we ever see turbo diesel cars made by american car companies? hmmm figure that one out!
Yeah, sure it's higher. But you have a working public transportation system with high-speed trains. So while you pay 30E to go up to 500km, we have to drive and pay double that plus wear and tear.
I would love to live out there, I visit every other year and keep telling myself that I'm living in the wrong part of the world.
Yeah the diff is that most cars there are half the size they are here, there is in general less distances to travel and the majority of cars sold today are diesel (or turbo diesel)... so it's not as bad as it looks :)

if you also noticed the streets are 1/4 of what we have here here, and when in Rome I noticed majority of "streets" are in fact some sort of alleys where 90% of traffic is based on Vespas, all-over-the-place pedestrians, even a Smart is big there.
And yes, everything is diesel, no matter how small, I think even the cellphones are diesel in Europe :)
Well they also have a ton of those turbo diesel cars that get 45mpg! You know the car companies like VW and Mercedes are sill fighting to get their Diesels here in america but they are limited to so many by US law. Strange huh? Seems the US oil comanies have a stronger hold on what engine is used in america after all. Why don't we ever see turbo diesel cars made by american car companies? hmmm figure that one out!

exactly. If the gen pop knew who really controlled what over here in the US, there would be an uprising, and a name change of the country to "United States of ________"
Well they also have a ton of those turbo diesel cars that get 45mpg! You know the car companies like VW and Mercedes are sill fighting to get their Diesels here in america but they are limited to so many by US law. Strange huh? Seems the US oil comanies have a stronger hold on what engine is used in america after all. Why don't we ever see turbo diesel cars made by american car companies? hmmm figure that one out!

Is there really a limit? I figured with the new 50-state legal diesels there is no limiting issue other than what % of people will buy one.

I assume the higher initial cost of a diesel vehicle ($1-2k USD) and the higher fuel cost and for soem models decresed performance, are what limits most from buying, thereby keeping Detroit from making some of their own.

You'll have to drive one for a long time to break even assuming you'll get 20-25% better mileage vs. the gasoline version. And in some areas diesel fuel is harder to find.
i remember seeing something like this with the american conversions when we were paying like $4.. some other country was paying like 10.50$ a gallon after the conversion.. i was laughing at work after reading this and thought.. thats like working 3 or 4 mins at work to pay for the gas to get me here... crazzy...