Uncontrolled intersections in China


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Jun 26, 2007
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Ogden UT
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Damn, apparently there's NO rules of the road in China:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QESfEd180rQ&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - ??????????? Chinese traffic accident compilation[/ame]

:eek: :eek: :eek:
I stopped watching after 2 mins - too many bikes going down.

What amazed me? The number of by-standers who didn't even flinch when the accidents happened, or render assistance to the injured.

Seeing this really piss me off... As there are more and more China nationality foreign workers coming in Singapore to work. Jus like what we see in the videos, they ride their bicycle and walk like their father own the road. And if We bang them, it becomes our fault. These guys are hopeless...

Sorry if I offend any china nationality ppl if there are in here. But it's the truth and it's happening here.
I don't get! It must have something to do with a lack of thought process/training or lack of signage and rules. Operating a motor vehicle requires a greater process than just operating a gas peddle and a brake and I think this is a largely part of what we are seeing.
a bunch of morons :BLAA:
WTF, nobody's paying attention to where they're going.
Seems like everyone is under the impression that it's their right of way despite the bigger vehicle about to hit their puny bicycles.
My absolute favorite is the idiot standing in the middle of the road and the car comes in slowly and runs him over...... on purpose.... that was simply precious.
I hope health care is cheap and easily accessible to everyone.
Only if stupidity was truly painful..... excruciatingly painful then maybe the video would be shorter.
It was kind of funny until 2:15. That guy should be murdered with a rusted machete. Railing into an intersection BACKWARDS?? poor lady and her granddaughter....hope they were ok. can anyone read the caption from that?

But I have learned something today. The most powerful political lobby group in China? Autobody repairmen.
Woah that is some crazy stuff right there, maybe this is why they are so stereotyped over here !!
Wow, and people think Asian drivers are bad in America!? This is just awful!

All joking aside. I conducted a study back in 2004, mostly aimed at analyzing geriatric drivers and the reason they get into so many minor motor vehicle accidents. While we were at it, we also then broke down the study into gender and race. Conclusions... Old, Asian, Women are the worst drivers on the road. We call it the deadly trifecta. No joke. It was determined that the older we get, the slower our reflexes (we all know this). The part that was race dependent actually did have to do with eye-shape, in that people of Asian decent have poorer peripheral vision than people with rounder eyes (caucasian, black, latino, etc).
You know what gets me here? No helmets. You'd think they would learn!

Also, it seems to be the same few intersections in this vid. How about a bit of round-a-bout action?

You can see it coming though when they'll ride/drive/walk 10-astride.
Just crazy they seem to be driving in a trance & I thought we had problems with lack of care on the roads in the UK
First, to say China has NO lights or signs can't really be said by anyone who hasn't been to China. This video looks like the same two intersections over and over, so it's not like this highlights every intersection. I know a LOT of SE Asia is like this, and not just at small intersections like this one, but HUGE 4-lanes in every direction intersections.

What I can't understand is that nobody looks both ways. "Look both ways" is all you ever hear as a child crossing the street...nobody got the memo?
This is one of a few vids I've seen...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIthEM6pDqw]YouTube - Crazy intersection[/ame]
2:07 = hilarious..

what gets me is, it appears that no one is paying attention at all

these crashes cant be happening at more than 15 mph, maybe a tad faster in some, and no one is swerving, skidding, spinning out radically... simple and completely avoidable.. just odd crashes

oh btw, bikebiz, that avatar is hilarious
in my work, i spent a lot of time in China. after obeserving how the street works and witnessing many accidents, this is my conclusions :
1. Drivers have cyclists mentality.... no respects for traffic rules
2. the law puts blames on bigger vehicles... that means if the pedestrian is knocked down by a cyclists, its the cyclists fault, regardless of situation... same thing when the cyclists get involved with a car
3. car drivers give lots of bribery during tests
4. many people from the country side migrate to cities, they treat the streets like there were lesser cars
5. many drivers are rich because they break many laws and they dont give a **** to others

i have seen with my own eyes ...
1. drivers stopping on the fast lanes in the highway to look at maps
2. drivers driving against direction in the highway to save the trouble of going a few more kilometers
3. drivers driving at snail's pace on the fast lane
4. trucks going at high speeds
5. buses going at high speeds

Despite having been to china many many times, i cant help but learn something new all the time. sometimes its amusing. sometimes in pathetic.

With the Shanghai Expo, the authorities have created new highways where the normal cars cannot enter. Only those cars with special permits (and decent driving skills) are allowed. This, i guess is to give visitors a positive impression. To see the real China, one just need to go downtown.
Missionary friends of mine serving in Cambodia told me a story of time that they were driving down a street when they saw a drunk driving a little scooter called a moto comming their way, he pulled over to the side of the of the road and came to complete stop. The drunk of course ran into them, when the police came they were told that they were at fault because they had insurance and the other guy didn't.
