um noob question

My understanding is that credits are like "fake" money that you earn each time you post on a thread. Not sure if there are other ways to earn 'em (other than gambling in the casino section, having them donated to you, or getting one of jstein's riddles correct). With your credits you can check out the games button near the top right of your screen. I think they are designed to add another "fun" aspect to the forum. Im sure a moderator or another old head (sorry. relative term):rolleyes: will fill in anything about credits I've missed...
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My understanding is that credits are like "fake" money that you earn each time you post on a thread. Not sure if there are other ways to earn 'em (other than gambling in the casino section, having them donated to you, or getting one of jstein's riddles correct). With your credits you can check out the games button near the top right of your screen. I think they are designed to add another "fun" aspect to the forum. Im sure a moderator or another old head (sorry. relative term):rolleyes: will fill in anything about credits I've missed...

nothing to fill in. Well said. :thumbup: