Twisted Sisters Ride - Official Check-In and Photo Thread

just an observation but in seems like "RED" is the dominate color there:thumbup:
alright alright. let me begin by saying i usually ride with faster bikes, not necessarily faster riders, i am usually playing catch up on straights, but \"always\" keep pace with them on the twisties. i am just used to it, so maybe this is why you say i am \"faster\"?


Going fast in a straight line impresses me not at all. Any squid can twist a throttle and hang on. I was impressed by how well you handled the bike in the corners, thus the "fastest rider" award.

So..., can someone introduce us to the members or are you all in the witness protection program?

So..., can someone introduce us to the members or are you all in the witness protection program?


From Left to Right: corekneelius (Jake), BranNwebster (Brandon), Fred (Fred), Kilbane83 (Ed), The Rayman (Kevin), Hondo64d (John), Hellgate (Pete)

The girl on the far left is Jake's girlfriend Naomi. The girl on the far right is Pete's wife Rachelle.

My wife Veronika took this photo and also drove the support vehicle (SUV) you see in some of the photo's. She usually rides with me, but we are expecting a new addition to the family in April and I didn't want to take any chances with her on the bike.
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From Left to Right: corekneelius (Jake), BranNwebster (Brandon), Fred (Fred), Kilbane83 (Ed), The Rayman (Kevin), Hondo64d (John), Hellgate (Pete)

The girl on the far left is Jake's Girlfriend and her name has escaped me. Someone help an oldman's memory please. The girl on the far right is Pete's wife Rachelle.

My wife Veronika took this photo and also drove the support vehicle (SUV) you see in some of the photo's. She usually rides with me, but we are expecting a new addition to the family in April and I didn't want to take any chances with her on the bike.

her name is naomi
great pics!! looks overcast a little. if health issues hadn't reared it's ugly head i would have been right with y'all. maybe next time. there would have been another red one in line. glad no mishaps and everyone made it home ok. thanks for the pics!!
More pics...

The place we stayed was totally (only) motorcycle friendly. We were even yelled at for parking a cage in front of one of the rooms... Damned cagers...
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And though he will probably kick my ass, I'm going to post a picture of the face Pete makes when he comes into a corner too hot....
^^^ Gee thanks Kevin. No that is my impression of a Harley rider wobbling through a corner!
Hah man that pic over the backs of the bikes turned out awesome Fred. Here's the google maps of the routes we rode. The first one is the full 100mile loop we all ran. The second one was a little over 50miles, Fred, Brandon and me ran while the old folks took naps ;)
Very nice guys (and gals)!! Thanks for sharing! Wish I'd been out riding this weekend! (Other plans though)

Glad to hear it was a great time and you're all safe! THAT'S a Great Ride! :thumbup:

Love the line-up shots!
looks like you guys had fun. ill be moving close to thats area (San Antonio) around new years. maybe next time i could hook up with you guys
looks like you guys had fun. ill be moving close to thats area (San Antonio) around new years. maybe next time i could hook up with you guys

You bet Hamslice01, I plan to do this again next Fall. Now that "we" have a much better idea of all of the rides and what is available I think we can have even more fun.
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looks like you guys had fun. ill be moving close to thats area (San Antonio) around new years. maybe next time i could hook up with you guys

We has a wicked game of Uno too on Saturday night. Brandon, the newbie Uno-er, kicked everyones butt!