Tighter Shock and a bad wreck!

"If the bike was insured you should be able to get a bike, also check into the 4 year warranty, a lot of the time you can transfer it of "Sell" the remainder back to the dealer and they will pro-rate the price."[/QUOTE]

Good point Reiobard! I know this to be true with my extend warranty; I'm thinking about cancelling it (still in factory warranty) for a refund minus (I think) $25 or so. Wouldn't hurt to cancel insurance too...if it's not already. You can always re-instate it later when/if bike is ready again. I know with 21st Century, you can keep it in effect (no cancel charge) if you just keep comprehensive or some other minor coverage effective.
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Thanks to all of you from your support and kind words. I think that I am really lucky to have found this forum where everyone is kind and even though many of you are thinking it no one is sitting here calling me a stupid arse and all that.

I definitely need to spend some time working on my panic breaking so I can turn it into controlled breaking.

I am not healing well and that is making this even more difficult plus the fact that the insurance people are taking their sweet time and I am not sure about what options they are going to offer me either.

I still think if they say trash it and give me an unfair amount I might buy it back and go naked. If they fix it then hey- great! If they say trash it and give me a fair amount I may have to look around and see if I can find another one some where.

I have learned a lesson the hard way but I have learned it well. Now I just need to get out and practice, practice, practice.

Once again thank you everyone.

Oh by the way. My truck has ABS on it and I can tell you 100% for sure that if I was in my truck I would have hit her. It is especially strange because I have been operating motorized vehicles for 22 years and although I have been in many, many wrecks this is only the thrird one that has been my fault! The second one was when I layed my bike down two weeks ago when it had snow here and they put frickin SAND on the road. It doesn't snow much in Alabama and wet sand is not good for an inexperienced rider.

Again thank you all. Whatever happens with my bike even if I have to go get a Vespa I think I am going to hang out here anyway.

Ride Safe everyone!!!!!!!
Like everyone said, you are okay. Yes, you are battered, bruised, scrapped and mentally shaken, but alive. Be thankful for that. Your bike can be replaced. There is a saying, there are two kind of riders, riders who have been down, and riders who are going down. You are not the first member here in this forum who have been down, nor you will be the last. Riding a bike is very dangerous, and this is a great wake up call for all of us. I want to say that I read somewhere that the average rider when they have an accident has around 3,000 miles logged, but I can't recall where to confirm that. Not sure how long you have ridden or how many miles you have logged, but I do agree with the other members, perhaps your emergency braking was more an issue rather than the positioning of the shock. However, you had mentioned your weight, which will make it tougher for the bike to stop. Like other have mentioned, you have to create the worse case scenario. And it appears that you had identified a possible trouble spot, but just lost your focus on it. I try to be aware of all the vehicles around me, what condition they are in, is it a piece of junk, or is it clean without dents. Is it occupied by one driver or are there several people in the car. Are the plates out of state, etc. Is it missing a mirror? Any kind of clue will help.

Just wondering how much safety gear you were wearing for the amount of injuries you had sustained?

Heal fast and thanks for posting. Don't be a stranger just because you are bikeless for a while.

Sorry about your accident first of all Jfz6 hope you get better soon and heel up real quick. Vegas Rider in the summer here what kind of clothing do you wear? Do you have body armor.
Just read your post about the insurance my friend was in a similar situation with an f4i. He ended up buying it back for very little, fixing it up, paying off the bike with the money from the insurance and having a fully payed off bike.
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looks like most of the high points have a lready been covered just wanted to say I have been pushed off the road more than once by "that" driver in the SUV. Sheer dumb luck I have made it through those, here's hoping you heal quick and get back on the horse.