Tiger seriously injured

Wouldn't talk to the cops again today. Somethings up, starting to believe the little woman isn't happy. Jerry :popcorn: Jerry

For 3rd time, Woods cancels meeting with police
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Nov 29, 6:26 PM (ET)


My Way News - For 3rd time, Woods cancels meeting with police

WINDERMERE, Fla. (AP) - Tiger Woods finally gave his side of the story Sunday - on his Web site, not to police - and took the blame for an "embarrassing" car crash that gave him cuts, bruises and public scrutiny like never before.

His statement failed to clear up any questions about the middle-of-the-night accident outside his Isleworth estate in which his wife told police she used a golf club to smash the back windows of the Cadillac SUV to help him out.

"This situation is my fault, and it's obviously embarrassing to my family and me," Woods said on his Web site. "I'm human and I'm not perfect. I will certainly make sure this doesn't happen again."

The statement was posted around 2 p.m. Sunday, about an hour after Woods' attorney told the Florida Highway Patrol that for the third straight day golf's No. 1 player would be unavailable to talk to troopers.

This time, the meeting was not rescheduled.

Even so, Sgt. Kim Montes of FHP said troopers went to Woods' $2.4 million estate anyway, only for attorney Mark NeJame to turn them away. The attorney gave troopers Woods' driver's license, registration and insurance as required by law for such accidents.

Woods said the crash was a private matter, and he intended to keep it that way.

"Although I understand there is curiosity, the many false, unfounded and malicious rumors that are currently circulating about my family and me are irresponsible," he said. "The only person responsible for the accident is me. My wife, Elin, acted courageously when she saw I was hurt and in trouble. She was the first person to help me. Any other assertion is absolutely false."

Woods is scheduled to compete at his Chevron World Challenge, which starts Thursday in Thousand Oaks, Calif., although his tournament director did not know Woods' status for the tournament - whether he would play or even attend.

Even with his first public comments on the 2:25 a.m. Friday accident, Woods left several questions.

- Where he was going at that time of the night?

- How did he lose control of his SUV at such a speed that the air bags didn't deploy?

- Why were both rear windows of the Cadillac Escalade smashed?

- If it was a careless mistake, why not speak to state troopers trying to wrap the investigation?

"We have been informed by the Florida Highway Patrol that further discussion with them is both voluntary and optional," Mark Steinberg, his agent at IMG, said in an e-mail. "Although Tiger realizes that there is a great deal of public curiosity, it has been conveyed to FHP that he simply has nothing more to add and wishes to protect the privacy of his family."

Woods' wife turned troopers away from their home in the exclusive gated community outside Orlando on Friday, the day of the accident, because she said he was sleeping. Steinberg called troopers en route to Woods' house on Saturday and postponed the meeting until Sunday.

"We're just continuing our traffic crash investigation," Montes said. "If we have somebody who we feel is pertinent to the investigation, then we will interview them."

She said the 911 caller was interviewed Saturday, and investigators might speak with other people who were at the scene as well.

The FHP released the 911 call from an unidentified neighbor on Sunday.

"I have a neighbor, he hit the tree. And we came out here just to see what was going on. I see him and he's laying down," the neighbor told dispatchers without ever identifying the victim as Woods.

Asked if the victim was unconscious, the neighbor replied, "Yes."

Part of the call were inaudible because of a bad connection. At one point, the voice of a woman is heard yelling, "What happened!"

"We're just trying to get the police here right now," the neighbor says to the woman. "We don't know what happened. We're figuring that out right now. I'm on the phone with the police right now."

According to the FHP accident report, Woods had just pulled out of his driveway when he struck a fire hydrant and then a tree. Woods said he had cuts, bruising and "right now I'm a little sore."

Montes said the Woods' car was towed for "safekeeping," and authorities have already documented where the damage is on the vehicle and the point of impact.

The accident came two days after the National Enquirer published a story alleging that Woods had been seeing a New York night club hostess, and that they recently were together in Melbourne, where Woods competed in the Australian Masters.

The woman, Rachel Uchitel, denied having an affair with Woods when contacted by The Associated Press.

Los Angeles attorney Gloria Allred confirmed she was representing Uchitel when she was reached by the AP on Sunday.

"She is with me in L.A.," Allred said later in an e-mail to the AP. "We plan to meet and then we'll decide on the next step, which we do not plan to announce to the press."

Uchitel arrived at Los Angeles International Airport late Sunday morning, where she was met by Allred and escorted out of the baggage claim area and into a black car. Uchitel did not speak to reporters except to ask that she be left alone.

Aside from occasional criticism of his temper inside the ropes, Woods has kept himself out of the news beyond his sport. In an October posting on his Facebook account, Woods wrote, "I'm asked why people don't often see me and Elin in gossip magazines or tabloids. I think we've avoided a lot of media attention because we're kind of boring. ..."
The cops need to charge Tiger with making false statements and his wife with domestic violence. Must be nice being a celebrity.
Wish I could tell the cops I won't meet with them... then again I would not want to be Tiger right now.

No sympathy for people who cheat on their marriage.
im amazed this thing has as much coverage/attention as it does. people die every day living in pitiful living conditions even right under our very noses.

i could care less if tiger woods got hammered and drove into a tree. i would only care if it meant his wife divorced him....cuz then she'd be on the market again!! w00t

i don't get it either. not sure of the laws, but to my understanding he doesn't have to give the police an interview. and i don't see the big deal. if he had hit someone else's car i could understand. but he wrecked his car. have him pay for the damages to the fire hydrant and tree and be done with it.

i think it's just because it's tiger.
I feel sorry for the guy getting dragged through the mud like this, besides his occassional hissy fits he's been a good role model. It doesn't sound like the accident was due to booze and they probably didn't screen his blood anyway. And if your wife hits you with a golf club and you don't feel like sharing that info with the rest of the world I think that's up to you.

If he's been cheating on his wife that's a different story, but not a criminal one.
This guy, as good of a golfer as he is, sounds like a violent, very dangerous and hot-tempered type of individual. Sometimes, this is how it is with the "perfectionist" type people. That he's lying low suggests that he's ashamed or not excited about having to explain. I think he was extremely mad because his wife told him that she was leaving (and taking half of his wealth) him because he fools around.
Why does having so much money make it alright to cheat? I don't get these people. If you don't like who you are married to, then don't be married to them. Cheating doesn't make up for a bad marriage, especially with a cheap little waitress (nothing against waitresses, but because against the type of person who, 1 - cheats with a married person and 2 - tells the world that they did it.

C'mon people. What ever happened to having a little class.

I don't think highly of the woman, but I think even less of Tiger. It should be a private matter within a marriage, but when you make money from the public, then your life is no longer private.
Why does having so much money make it alright to cheat? I don't get these people. If you don't like who you are married to, then don't be married to them. ....................

C'mon people. What ever happened to having a little class.

I don't think highly of the woman, but I think even less of Tiger......

Money just magnifies the level of A Hole people can be...... Tiger had that 'Golden Boy' persona, and now he's been found to have clay feet. The vultures will circle......

I'd love for him to pull out of all public events, and live off the 10's of Millions (100's?) that he has already earned, and settle down and make it right with his wife and kids. Man up, bucko. Or, like you said, cut his family loose so they can get on with their lives.

It's unlikely that he will.... seems most of the folks that get hooked into the fame and money game can't give it up. Pretty sure he won't be seen on any cereal boxes, anymore.

They'll go to whatever lengths are necessry to maintain that. A certain pop idol who OD'd recently comes to mind..... the cr*p that's going on over his estate is gruesome.
it's nice to see the morality of todays society. Phelps smokes some pot and his sponsors dump him and everyone says bad boy. While most (in the sporting world at least) are saying that it's none of the publics business and we should butt out of his personal life. His sponsors are saying boo too.

Oh and he's worth over $1,000,000,000 now. Life must be tough.
Ping just offered Elin Nordegren an endorsement
contract pushing her own set of clubs.
They are marketing them as
"clubs you can beat Tiger with."

What does Tiger Woods have in common with
baby seals? They're both clubbed by
this is why you don't mess with viking chicks. oh and they are HOTTTT!!! i wanna get myself one except i will be loyal to her unlike tiger cuz viking girls apparently can turn tigers into pussy cats :D