Thought I would share.

That's a nice shot. Great job painting with the strobe.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but to get the effect off of the rear end like that (trailing light), you have to set the camera to synch with the rear shutter screen/curtain, right? Otherwise, if the camera is set to synch with the front screen the light that's coming off the back would instead appear as a light shooting out of the front.

Reiobard, if you're shooting with a decent digital slr you'll have this capability -- it'll be in the manual.
Reiobard, if you're shooting with a decent digital slr you'll have this capability -- it'll be in the manual.

We have a Canon Eos Rebel, and I know it has the capability to do this. However, the few times I have tried, everything has come out blurry in some way or another (even on a stationary object, like a giant rock).

How is it that the bike comes out so clear if it moves to get the light streak? How long does it need to be stationary?
If I understand the shot at all, he put the camera on a tripod, set the camera on B (bulb) and set his aperature to pretty dang small, like f22 or so (notice how much depth of field there is throughout the image). Then got on the bike and rode it that little way, toward the camera -- which caused the headlight to provide/create the white light streak.

Then stopped, put the sidestand down and proceeded to "paint" the stationary bike with a light source. That's where the real art of the shot, in my mind, comes in. Knowing how much light to use and where. I think he said he used a strobe (flash). You can also use a bright, hand-held light (flashlight) to paint, though a strobe will tend to give a nice, even glow-like light quality such as in the image.

Notice that he said he also used a remote to operate the camera. That's so he could move about and do the light painting and then close the shutter without having to run back to the camera in the dark. Judging by the surrounding/background, I can well imagine that it was pretty dang dark where he set this up. I'd imagine that wearing a headlamp was a must.

But, as always, I could just be talking out my exhaust pipe...

Ditto on the high res. photo. Would be great if we had that available to DLoad for out desktops. Good thing you used the blue one... would still be waiting for the red one to show up in the picture :D