Things That Make You Go @!$#%!!!!!


Junior Member
Jun 5, 2008
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Lawrenceville, GA
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On the way home form work the other day, I noticed the front tire coming off the ground a little when accelerating in turns, especially uphill.
I should have checked it out, but didn't.

I rolled it out of the garage yesterday AM, as usual, and kept thinking it was harder to push...

Fired it up, and after feeling my weight on it and noticing extra squishy bounce from the rear, I looked and saw *gasp! my rear tire was almost flat.

Upon closer examination, I found the nail in the center of the tread...

#@!#$#%ing @!@#$!@$!@#!!!!!!!

Deep breath...

It sucked, but that tire was at 4200 miles, and would have needed replacement after another 2,000 miles anyway. So I found a replacement, same Bridgestone for $127.99, with free shipping and bought it.
It should be here in a few days, since I recieved notification that it had in fact shipped today.

I will pull the back wheel off and bring it with me to work, and chuck it in the ambulance to get it mounted and balanced while I am on duty.
I need it back on by Oct 4th, because my bike club, (EMS Angels GA,) has a ride that day...

Sheesh, of all the cotton picking things to have happen.
Then again, maybe it's a good thing I wasn't able t oride this tire to death and maybe the good Lord just kept me from a crash.
One never knows!
Then again, maybe it's a good thing I wasn't able to ride this tire to death and maybe the good Lord just kept me from a crash.
One never knows!
I'd concentrate on that part of it, maybe you were lucky! :thumbup:
My new tire was on my front porch today!

I'm going to bring my wheel in to work tomorrow and get it changed, and I'll be back in business!!!!
Hey Scott - you really going to put that tire in an ambulance ???? that's freakin classic ha ha ha!!!

If I ever get into an accident (knock on plastic man made material - my desk :)), I hope you are near by to peel me off the street, provide CPR and revival techniques, and give me a spare tire change :)

Oh my!!!
At least you were home when you noticed the flat. I was 20 something miles away on a ride when i picked up a nail......:(
Just a cautionary note: make sure you scrub that new tyre in for about 100 miles, before you go out for a group ride on Saturday. (I am, of course, assuming that your group ride will involve some 'enthusiastic' cornering).

Apologies, if I'm trying to teach grannie to suck eggs.
Why didn't you just plug it, assuming the hole was at least an inch away from the side-wall? I would have had 5 new tires in the past year if I changed it every time I picked up a nail.
LOL yup, I brought the tire and wheel in to work, and planned on going the next morning to get it switched out, but we noticed that the outside rear driver's side, (dually,) tire on the ambulance was flat! We were instucted to take it to Big Ten tires, and so I brought my wheel and new tire along for the ride.

I stuck it in the side door, where the step is to go up into the pt. compartment! we were out of service, so it was no big deal.

The manager at Big Ten switched it out for free, and when I got back to the office, I set it up on a rod on top of two 5 gallon buckets. It did like to settle where the stem is, and it made sense since the stem was the only thing "extra" in the equation.

The wheel wasn't balanced before, so I figured I'd mount the wheel again and see.

I put it on and adjusted the chain again, and went for a spin. I got to 84mph and there was no wobble at all.

The chain stayed where it was put, and it tracks straight.
Job done, as far as I'm concerned.

Now, I will go easy for the first 100 miles or so, because I don't feel the need to slide out the rear end and eat ditch for lunch.

We have the ride this Sat, but it's about 400 or so Hog types, and we aren't going to do any hard cornering. Since it's mostly cruisers, I don't really have to worry about any racing activity. Plus, as trustee of EMS Angels MC-GA, I carry the first aid kit! We actually had our first MC meeting last night, and will soon get our colors. We will surely ride together in the group.

Now if you'll excuse me, my new girlfriend has bought me a one hour massage and I simply must ride the bike there... L8rs.

(Yes, she is way better than my ex-wife...)