The "Off Topic" thread...

Great dirt bike riding area.

Does it green up a lot in winter, or is it one of the drought areas?

Looks great.

+1000 on loving Australia...

Great bike riding area....absolutely, the Missus's old man has his own track on the property, with jumps and fact he has a big ar$e pile of dirt that is just begging to be used to make more jumps! And i am more than willing to help!!!

Apparently it does green up a lil in winter, but there is not a lot of rainfall there, even in winter, as it is over the back of the Adelaide Hills rain belt...

I like the brown, dusty look....

they have 72 acres of that brown, dusty officially jealous! in fact, this morning, on the way out the property, i just sat at the gate in my car for a couple of minutes, just to savour the view!

they have 72 acres of that brown, dusty officially jealous! in fact, this morning, on the way out the property, i just sat at the gate in my car for a couple of minutes, just to savour the view!


Sentimental Old Codger :Flip:...... How's the serenity , How's the serenity :D

Definitely! Makes a change from me being the most "Tragic"...Lol!

Anyway, Aussie's dominate this forum...5 out of the top 10 posters are generally Aussie's! Dont you just love our "Work Ethic"!

My next goal is "Bike of the Month".

Do you always enter Jamie? Kinda think that's unfair since your bike looks soooooo good. :drool::drool:

I made Mike vote for me - but he said he won't do it again - your bike looked better..... :(:(
My next goal is "Bike of the Month".

Do you always enter Jamie? Kinda think that's unfair since your bike looks soooooo good. :drool::drool:

I made Mike vote for me - but he said he won't do it again - your bike looked better..... :(:(

I dont always enter...not since April of last year when i won! Just thought it was a new year, and it was time to put the beast out there again! Sorry.....

I reckon your photo is better than mine! And it's a close thing!

And as for being at am i!!!! Well in my home office anyway, i work from home....being single dad, it's the only way!

My next goal is "Bike of the Month".

Do you always enter Jamie? Kinda think that's unfair since your bike looks soooooo good. :drool::drool:

I made Mike vote for me - but he said he won't do it again - your bike looked better..... :(:(

Ive tried & tried but now ive got the XJR i'll just give up , go sit in a quiet corner & drink rum :D
just a word of warning on the top of hill between Meddows and Macclesfield
some evil NOOB:spank: has been throwing gravel onto the road
at the top of the hill and just on the down side heading to Macclesfield.


keep ya eyes open for it ok guys
Does anyone else think it's hysterically funny that the bikers blew themselves up on their way to planting a car bomb out the front of a rivals house the other day! LMFAO!
Does anyone else think it's hysterically funny that the bikers blew themselves up on their way to planting a car bomb out the front of a rivals house the other day! LMFAO!

I don't think that's funny at all:eek:. They might have been useful, contributing members of society.......:confused:..Oh yeah that's right! Yup...p155 Probably sitting in the car looking at the timer, and thought," This clock is wrong". Twiddle twiddle, "That's better"...
