The FZ6 is no longer offered for 2010

*hangs self*

its a shame, but they will hopefully fill in the void eventually. though how you improve on the perfect all-rounder is beyond me....
Say it aint so...:(

Looks like all the speculation was true. It's a sad day, but cant say that I'm all that surprised.
Yeah, no surprise there. The bike was never really popular. Stupid US of A and their love of all things plastic. Oh well, that just makes our bikes all the more rare :) Good luck ever selling them though...
Hopefully the FZ1 is still around in about 3 years when I want to upgrade. It's really just a FZ6 with a bigger engine and different seat. I sat on them both at the dealership when I bought my FZ6 and they felt the same to me.
Hmm looks like the R6S is gone as well. Guess the FZ6R is gonna have to try to pull double duty. Also I swear I checked Yamaha's site the other day and the R1 LE was 18k, now only 14.5??
Looks like they removed other models as well? R6s?

I have a feeling they are still updating the lineup.
Hmmm. Guess the gene pool here in the states has spoken. Makes our bikes just that more unique and us owners wont be beat out by any styling cues from a 2010. Gotta love that!
Nooooooo..... That really sucks, the FZ is awesome! Well, I guess I'll be keeping my 2005 till the end of time. Hopefully in 50 years it will be a classic. haha
Well, they brought back Star Trek, Camaro, Challenger and Mustang. Of course, these were hugely popular---can't really say that about FZ6. I wunder what's being offered in Europe, though.
Everybody's tightening the belt in this economy. Car manufacturers are axing half their lineup and concentrating only on their top selling models....I'd be willing to bet Yamaha played the same card here. As much as we all love the FZ, let's admit it, it's not a top seller. From the looks of things a few other models are missing as well.
Well, they brought back Star Trek, Camaro, Challenger and Mustang. Of course, these were hugely popular---can't really say that about FZ6. I wunder what's being offered in Europe, though.

My guess is other countries will still sell the FZ6... the US got its replacement for it already... the FZ6R... and I would guess the sales of it are much better than the FZ6.
so simply because of looks, the inferior (performance wise) 6r stays and this bike goes. its cool with me, i have the last year!
so the salesman that sold me the '09 fz1 was right. there was a raven '09 fz6 there and i wanted both.
The hand writting has been on the wall for a long time.

In the US Yamaha offers six, count them, six "sport" bikes and 22 cruisers.

Heck mighty Honda only has seven sporty bikes. They came out with an OCC rip-off this year.

Face the music, 'Marcans be dumb and in the US motorcycles are toys.

I am sad to see it go, it is a great little bike. Heck I was sad when the "Standards" were all killed, the original nakeds; eg: GS, XS, KZ, CB. When men were were men and rear tires were 130s!
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