The Day of Tears


Junior Member
Jun 16, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta
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Any day you see three yamaha's lying on their sides, you must cry. Friday June 21 my father woke up to this out front of our house. Some A$$hole decided that he would vandalize our bikes. We called the cops and have been looking for the culprit since. Been a bad month. The two FZ's both have vandalism, so I basically get all my parts for free. But my fiance's XJ600S unfortunately does not, and it was mint!! Took me a little while to post, been to angry.



So the little ba#*ard who did this has yet to be caught. We have a few suspects, but the local police force can't do a thing without definitive proof. Dad has been going through withdrawals as we both haven't had our own bikes in almost a month now. I have been able to ride the XJ, but it's not the same...

So does anyone know of any ways to prevent said damage again? I have been looking into either a trap camera or a video surveilance camera out front of my house. Unfortunately I do not have a garage, and after staying up three nights in a row with a bat in my hand I got pretty tired.
Crikey mate if that was the uk, Those bikes would have been nicked not vandalised!!! Have you not got a back yard?? Out of sight ,out of mind....
That totally sucks, why can't people leave things alone. Hopefully the suspects will get caught(not by the police) and somebody can vandalize them. Hope you get the bikes back running soon.
First off what kind of a**hat d**chetard knocks over bikes like that. :spank::spank::spank: If i had caught that punk not sure what I would have done but I am sure it would have involved the obedience stick. (3 foot long 2 inch diameter round stick wrapped in duct tape used to keep unruly roommates and drunken guest in line) That totally sucks to come out and see that first thing in the morning.

I agree get cameras on that spot and make sure they are good quality so there is no argument who did it. This kind of vandalism is just awful.
OMG! :eek:

Seriously...I'm gonna comment on this further later once I cool down. I'm way too enraged right now after seeing those pictures and I may say something I'll regret (or at least the mods will look down on).

I will say this...I feel for you, your dad, and fiance. That's gotta be one of the worst things you could ever walk outside to (as a bike owner).

I hope you catch the little bastard(s) yourself so you can dole out your own kind of justice.

:mad: that is a seriously low act , hope you get them all sorted fast.. And shoot the mongrel dog that did it :shakehead:

I wouldnt be leaving them in the street ever again..
That's just so small of them. Someone who's obviously has other problems that will eventually come to light. I bet they'll tell on them self in some way. Get the bikes fixed.
Keep conscious as apposed to angry and you will come up with an answer if you haven't already.

Still pi55e5 me off to see that though.....
that persons life must suck..I hope it gets even worse for them. Im looking forward to you posting the news about this person getting caught.
That is bullsh*t. Some people are just basically rotten. Be glad for the insurance fixing things up. Be nice to your local cops.
More than one way to skin a cat.

Get CCTV/cheap camera - set it up, catch them and DEAL with them.

P155es me off.

People just don't care.

Sorry this happened to you all :rant:
Aw man I feel so bad for you guys. What a disgusting thing to have to find. I hope you're back riding them soon.

Honestly, that is suck a weak act. Who does that? It's one of those things everyone knows you don't do, like hitting a woman or keying someone's car.

They will get theirs and hopefully you'll be around to see it :)

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