The Day of Tears

Yeah, that's pretty low. Hope you nail the creeps. Isn't there anyplace you can put them closer to the door or off the street? It's probably a one off incident and won't happen again, but you can't take the chance. If you can't move them to a safer place you may have to rent a mini storage place and leave them there. Not the most convenient but at least they would be safe.
We have a few suspects, but the local police force can't do a thing without definitive proof.

Do they really have suspects? Or are they just trying to convince you they're hard at work?

I mean, what evidence do they have to link anyone to the vandalism? Truth is, stuff like this almost never gets solved. If they weren't on tape, your only hope is somebody shooting their mouth off, someone else snitching, then the suspect being stupid enough to confess when interrogated. It sucks, but I wouldn't waste time worrying about the culprits. There always have been, and always will be, vandals.

Luckily, you had insurance on the two most valuable machines. As for the XJ600S, I lowsided one years ago. Crushed my ankle pretty good (ruined my Nike's) but rode it home. Slapped a new shift lever on it and rode it a few thousand miles before selling it. It proved quite durable. Hope yours held up well.
I'm so sorry for you guys!!!!!! that sucks big time :spank::spank::spank:

Cameras are a good option to get evidence, unfortunately it won't put an immediate stop to the vandalism.

As it was said before, do you have a patio, deck, fenced area, heck even the living room (if you do not leave on a second floor)
EFFIINNN A**HOLES!!! if you find them give them a nice kick in the balls so they see how it feels.:mad:. such a low blow

sorry bout ur bikes man! damn cowardly bastards
Thanks for all the sympathy and replies, you guys (and gals) rock!

As for suspects, a couple of days before this happened, my dad (who is a general foreman for the biggest electrical company in calgary, on the largest project in western canada The Bow ) just laid off a kid who happens to live around the corner from us. As well, his father works for the same company. So the first night after he was laid off it didn't pour rain we wake up to the bikes being tipped. Suspicious?! I thought so too... cop couldn't get him to confess and he has yet to say anything.

I do have backyard! In fact we have bike shed built and everything. Only downside is that my dads second bike; a 1974 Cb450 is being restored in it. Parts everywhere. Plus my alley is not paved and as such it can be a mud wrestling match to get into when wet. We have had the bikes in the front of the house for the last 10 years without a single incident until this one. It blows. Plus Yamaha have painted parts back ordered so no tank or fairing for me and dad until the end of June!

The XJ600 runs great still. Just cosmetic damage which can be fixed. I hope we can catch the kids who done it though. We have put up reward flyers all over the community, with a few phone calls back, leading to more suspects but nothing definitive. I am highly looking at a camera/video camera to put in the front. I will take a picture to show everyone what the look of my street is from my house and the dilemma i have. If we find him or he comes back, I will be ready. No one hurts my baby and gets away with it.

Once again thank you everyone!
Really sorry to hear this Shinn :(

I just can't discribe the way I'm feeling after having seen those pics :( :eek: :( :shakehead: :banghead: :rant:

I really hope they catch the person who did this. I have my bike parked in my front garden, but I like to think that being off the road gives me some form of security, it would make me sick to see that someone has deliberately toppled it.

It might be worth paving that alley, and a camera could help as well. but it's really sad to think that these measures are necessary :(
I'm sorry to see this. It has got to be an awful feeling seeing that first thing in the morning. I have to wonder though... was there any amount of wind or something? I noticed that they were all parked with the kickstand uphill of the other side of the bike due to the crown of the road meaning that the bike was more upright than if it were on a level surface. Is it a possibility that a gust of wind or a truck causing a gust of wind blew the first bike over and then had a domino effect on the rest? In all likelyhood it was some moron who was getting his jollies off on vandalizing bikes but I thought I'd just throw this out there for discussion.
I'm sorry to see this. It has got to be an awful feeling seeing that first thing in the morning. I have to wonder though... was there any amount of wind or something? I noticed that they were all parked with the kickstand uphill of the other side of the bike due to the crown of the road meaning that the bike was more upright than if it were on a level surface. Is it a possibility that a gust of wind or a truck causing a gust of wind blew the first bike over and then had a domino effect on the rest? In all likelyhood it was some moron who was getting his jollies off on vandalizing bikes but I thought I'd just throw this out there for discussion.

It may just be the pictures but the bikes were parked with the kickstand on a level surface giving them a lean on to the kickstand. The fact they pushed over the opposite way means I would have needed a tornado to knock them over, as I have seen them withstand 100km/h gusts easily
Terrible. What kind of douche bag would deliberately knock over 3 bikes? One bike I could maybe understand from some drunken a$$hole with a thing against bikes.

I would never leave my bikes in the street! I park my FZ6 in my walk out basement (even though it's a huge PITA it stays safe and out of the weather).

I'm planning to build a bike-shed in my back yard this can easily build a little 10 x 10 bike shed to house 3 bikes for $400 in materials if you build it yourself. Also put hangers on the walls and it doubles as a tool shed.

If you have to park them in the street at least get covers for them...while covers won't prevent all A-holes from messing with them it makes the bike stand out less and will attract much less negative attention while keeping them dry in the rain.
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I have no objection if we start a separate thread and start a donation toward increasing the reward money. Count me in for some $$ if this starts rolling
That pisses me off just seeing it. Sorry about the bikes :(

As far as catching the bast#rd that did it, i'd go surveillance camera... i own numerous trap cameras and they don't have a tremendous night range, and sometimes come out of sleep mode too quickly...I mean you could invest in one of the 600 dollar uber ones but why not get a hi quality surveillance system for that price? plus your gonna want a good look at the culprit to identify them, and night time pics on a trap cam is a gamble, even with video...


You could do it the Sawblade method and keep them in your living room :D
That is far beyond suck. Only spineless cowards mess with people's property, because they are too wussy to deal with people face to face. Bunch of gutless wimps that should be beaten as such...... /End Rant

Cameras are a good idea. Maybe an alarm as well? Scorpio with perimeter sensor is a nice way to go. Gives them a nice little "warn away" chirp sequence, and if they insist on staying near the bike, it just sounds the alarm for around a minute I think(or was it 30secs, can't remember, I'll have to look in the where'd I put the manual...???). Like others have said, it was probably a one time thing. At least I hope it was, unless of course you've got something up an running to catch them, then by all means, try again little punks. lol
All this talk about motion sensors, security cameras...blah blah blah...

All you need are a ring of these around where you park!


I am sorry this happened to you and your family and I think the people who did this will be cuaght in time.
Yes, "out of sight out of mind" is a good policy. And there is also "You can't want, or in this case destroy, what you don't see" Getting in the habit of putting our toys away after we use them especially overnight, is always a good idea. Like my Grand Mother Kyle used to say "Never expose you limbs to the elements".