THANKS! Really, i am humbled!

Sorry dude had too many people here and as host couldnt leave, but glad the 2 boys down that way saw ya.

hey no stress jules, your a long way away here you are, it was freakin Christmas- family first,etc, and anyway, mikes a bum like me, no ties to bind!
The nurse while i was there wasnt any good.

geeeesuuuuus! What a man beast I am, thanks for posting me in all my invalid glory Jules!


No, all the cute nurses are off tonight, just the older, but very friendly ones tonight. Am hoping the late shift will be a little more of the eye candy variety. Was thinking of commandeering a chair and going for a cruise over to emergency entrance, and wait for the "charlies angels" to return.....:spank:
Hmm, I'm heading down to Marion at midnight, what's visiting hours there :rof:
Might have to take a run just to see what's what :D


LOL! A midnight mission! How cool! Visiting hours finish at eight, but text me when your out the front, if you pop past, and I will come down and meet you, we can gran a chair and go for a cruise! It's a baeutiful night outside! :thumbup:
just spoke to the matron.... They are cool..... Ready for anything by now with me......2 kids, 2 tummy mummies, paramedics(charlies angels!), MATT!, bike people, show people, goths, oh and my gay Flashdance fan club president! They said, why not, just expect security to ask you what your doing, and to get em to contact ward!!!!! :eek:
Hmm, Think the missus can read

I said "are we still going to Marion", and she said "Nah, couldn't be bothered now" :banghead:

Feeling quite buggered myself now, should have an early night, then enjoy myslef tomorrow.

Hmm, Think the missus can read

I said \"are we still going to Marion\", and she said \"Nah, couldn't be bothered now\" :banghead:

Feeling quite buggered myself now, should have an early night, then enjoy myslef tomorrow.


No skin off my nose? You do need your beauty sleep! :eek:
Anything you need? Smokes, burger, rubbers....whatever?:D

Freaking net keeps dropping out.... Stupid 3G network! Smokes and some pringles would be awesome!

Oh and a superkart, 250cc, slicks, auto gears, and then I could chase you around the university ring road! Wonder what security would thinknof that!
