tach display leak


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Apr 29, 2008
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annapolis, md
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hey all... i have been searching around for this in here but perhaps i'm not using the right keywords. i think i am getting a little moisture inside my tach display. does that glass pop off? upon quick glance, i didn't see how to get in there. all i'm looking to do is clean the other side of that glass (plastic, whatever) and perhaps find how water got in there. i may have accidentally gave it a blast with the hose whilst washing :spank:

thanks as usual :cheer:
The screen is a conducting plate so water messes it up easy. Getting inside the tach is a pain in old models. You have to break it to open it basically. Maybe the 08 one has screws, check it. If not you can start thinking about getting a new tach.
If all else fails, you could try baking the moisture out...... take the tach off the ibke, and place in a pre heated oven, roughly 140 degrees F
i would imagine it would be covered under warranty, but i'd really rather not deal with taking it to the dealer for just that one reason. it's hot as hell outside now anyway, so maybe when i go back to her this afternoon it will have gotten out of there. it's just going to get annoying if this is a recurring issue. mine is an '08 with the needle, guess i thought the cover could be popped off. if it isn't supposed to come off easily, i'm not going to mess with it. because then i will have screwed the pooch if i break something. rather deal with a little smudging in there than a broken tach :eek:

gotta be careful with that hose i reckon.