Stupid vs. Stupid. Stupid....wins?

Beyond stupid is right. The video plainly shows escalating mistakes, misinterpretations, and provocation on both sides. Totally unnecessary... I guess this means everybody somewhat loses on this one. I would of much rather cruised the rest of the night. The weather looked great.
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Stupid won gold silver and bronze ...

Seriously, that many guys you just tail him at a distance until he stops, then call the cops and lay charges of attempted murder.

From the text of the video i imagine these boys were not just out for a ride, but were responding to previous incidents involving this car. Problem is: he'll never mess with a bunch again, but the next lone rider going past is gonna get it bad.

I definately cringed god was looking out for those riders but especially for the guy driving the car because had the cops not pulled him over:spank: oh boy he would of been good as dead atleast he would of if it was my crew
I'll be honest, at first I was skeptical of it, but as the video went on I actually got pretty worked up about this. I'm not an angry driver, in fact my wife likes to tease me for not being 'aggressive enough' (I assure you, she makes up for my lack), but after witnessing that I'm not sure I would have been able to control myself if he pulled over and got out.

HOWEVER-- I find myself suspicious as to what started the road rage, that many bikes together and you can see just enough of how the bikers are riding to see that they don't have Ms. Daisy riding on the back. Additionally, I'm sorry but any of the bikes on this video are pulling at least 60-100 hp on machines that weigh less than 500 pounds. If these bikers actually were trying to AVOID an incident (and not have a guy just slam on his brakes in front of them like he did ocne or twice), they could have downshifted and cranked the throttle on a far lane and passed the car and in about a minute of fast riding been a couple miles ahead. Then again, I see flaws with that path too, not saying I wouldn't take it, just saying even my reasoning is flawed :p

If I saw a car do this to another biker I would be livid. I'd call the cops on the spot and report plates and car and would follow at a (hopefully) safe distance to ensure the safety of the rider and handling of the cager.

Meh that frustrated me and it's just a video lol
