Speedo Healer?


There appear to be some other alternatives out there, like these:

Yamaha speedometer calibrator YZF R1 R6 FZ FZS 600 1000 : eBay Motors (item 390111990194 end time Mar-28-10 09:06:36 PDT)

Speedometer Calibrator Yamaha YZF R1 YZF R6 R6S FZ6 FZ1 : eBay Motors (item 300398299231 end time Mar-19-10 18:30:21 PDT)

It shouldn't be that complex of a device. I'm almost tempted to try making one using a PIC, as it would be a LOT cheaper than these commercial products, but it would probably be a pain to source the right connectors for the job. (Plus, I'm lazy...) :)

If I ever do a sprocket change and get a speedometer adjuster device, I'd like to verify my stock indicated speed with a GPS, and then make the adjusted speed match when using the new sprocket. I would just want to go back to stock, instead of being "more accurate".
Re: Alternatives

There appear to be some other alternatives out there, like these:

Yamaha speedometer calibrator YZF R1 R6 FZ FZS 600 1000 : eBay Motors (item 390111990194 end time Mar-28-10 09:06:36 PDT)

Speedometer Calibrator Yamaha YZF R1 YZF R6 R6S FZ6 FZ1 : eBay Motors (item 300398299231 end time Mar-19-10 18:30:21 PDT)

It shouldn't be that complex of a device. I'm almost tempted to try making one using a PIC, as it would be a LOT cheaper than these commercial products, but it would probably be a pain to source the right connectors for the job. (Plus, I'm lazy...) :)

If I ever do a sprocket change and get a speedometer adjuster device, I'd like to verify my stock indicated speed with a GPS, and then make the adjusted speed match when using the new sprocket. I would just want to go back to stock, instead of being "more accurate".

The speedohealer now has a plug/switch that will lock in your highest speed untill you re-set it. Pretty slick...
Thanks guys this is a tough one. Its a difference of about $45.00 and they have the same capabilities but somehow feels like I am getting more with the speedo healer. Funny, I know its just a little easier interface and a nice plastic box around what is basically the same thing but yet I am hesitant?
Please let us know how it works. I had a Speedo Healer on the old FZ6 and went with a Speedo Tuner on the current FZ6. This seems to do the same thing even cheaper and they have a unit for the Bandit. :thumbup:
Just thought I would let you all know about the speedodrd. I ordered it from motomummy.com late Wed. night and received Monday by postal service. It was packaged well, the instructions are minimal but it hooks up just like the speedohealer and there are plenty of post about that. The connectors are high quality and the cord is just long enough to reach under your seat which is a perfect spot for this tiny thing. The 12oclocklabs website has a conversion chart to find the settings you need but I just used everyones favorite speedohealer setting of 11.1 and it is dead nuts to my GPS! I am so happy I purchased this over the speedohealer and saved myself $45. Thanks for the suggestions guys, glad I tried something new here, it works great! Only thing I noticed which isn't an issue for me and maybe its the norm for all healers but my speedometer doesn't register speed until I hit 5 MPH. To be honest it could have been this way the whole time and I might not have noticed. At 5 MPH I am either taking off or stopping with both requires my attention be on the road not my read-out.

I Highly recommend this much cheaper alternative!! :thumbup:
Awesome Mike! Glad that you bought it, tested it and think it is a great find! I'm going to pick up two as soon as I get my bonus, one for hers and one for mine. I definitely need it now that I went -1 on the front yesterday. I'd like the speedo to be a lot closer to correct than so far off I am guessing or trying to remember. ;)

Thanks for the feedback! :thumbup:
I can tell you that the FZ6 speedo doesn't pick up anything til 5mph. That's the way mine has always been, and I bought it brand new. So, you're golden. :thumbup:
Awesome Mike! Glad that you bought it, tested it and think it is a great find! I'm going to pick up two as soon as I get my bonus, one for hers and one for mine. I definitely need it now that I went -1 on the front yesterday. I'd like the speedo to be a lot closer to correct than so far off I am guessing or trying to remember. ;)

Thanks for the feedback! :thumbup:

-1 on that FZ1 must be crazy fun!! :thumbup:
-1 on that FZ1 must be crazy fun!! :thumbup:

Don't know yet.... :( I installed it late yesterday and it rained all day today. Rain tomorrow and part of Wednesday.... Looking like Thursday for the butt dyno! :D