speeding tickets


Junior Member
Nov 17, 2007
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Tallinn, Estonia
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Yesterday I get my first speeding ticket in more then 10 years. It doesn't mean, I'm so correct driver or rider - I just was lucky.
I was 30 kph (~18.5 mph) above the speed limit = penalty was ~ 185$.

Just curries - how big are the penalty's in other countries?
In the United States this would depend on the state you are in and the bail amount set by the specific municipality. Some places are clearly more stiff than others and in most cases anything 20mph plus to the posted speed is going to hurt as the term reckless often applies as well.
I was fined $185 for doing a u-turn at a set of traffic lights,30km/h over the posted limit $609:mad:
I just came back from Russia.
It wasn't my first time, but this time I have experience with their speeding. 140 kph in 60 was OK by them. When I ask, what could be a penalty the answer was: if you double the speed limit - police take you license away, but going 40-60 over speed limit is ~50$ and until this year the official penalty for such violation was ~12$!!!
Heaven for speeders!
My most recent one ( i get a ticket about once a year, which stinks since i only get pulled over 1 a year or so (talk about no breaks)). Was for 86 in a 65, i swear i was going 75 and wasn't passing anyone, but that is besides the point... so 26 over the limit was a cool $350 plus i took a day off from work to go argue the ticket in court.

Apparently i was pulled over by Concord's poster boy cop who started his statement by spending 5 minutes listing his accreditations... i knew right then that i should have just gone to work...
I haven't gotten a ticket in a while, last one was 50 in a 40, $80. Pretty nice considering it was a construction zone, but I was following three other vehices, so I haven't figured out how I was speeding and they weren't.

Before that it was years since my last ticket, 82 in a 65, had it knocked down to 75 because I explained to the officer that my car only had four gears and there is no way it could top 80, besides the fact that it was 1AM on a deserted highway. He was nice.
Just a thought here and based on you folks I'm an angel.

Cops are like fisherman in that they know where the fish are. If you run an area often enough you will find the cops sitting at those same locations time and time again just waiting to catch that big one. The hardest place to get a read that I have ever encountered is Nashville Tennessee because the cars they use for traffic citations (speeding) look like any other car on the road, they are not marked at all and range in model from the 4 door sedan to a Ford pick-up truck. They too however still run the same beat over and over. One thing for sure, if you are in a hurry and you don't have a read on a particular area that's a problem.
well ive been forced to park my bike for a year or 2 due to tickets last summer. 186km in a 100- criminal conviction 6 points, $750 fine, $550 for a lawyer. 2 days later 110 in a 50- careless driving 6 points. and a careless driving- went up to the red light through 2 cars with my girlfriend on thr back, along with 4 other people getting the same ticket. before these (previous) over 7 speeding tickets, minor but speeding none the less. Im now looking @ over $10,000 for BASIC insurance
well ive been forced to park my bike for a year or 2 due to tickets last summer. 186km in a 100- criminal conviction 6 points, $750 fine, $550 for a lawyer. 2 days later 110 in a 50- careless driving 6 points. and a careless driving- went up to the red light through 2 cars with my girlfriend on thr back, along with 4 other people getting the same ticket. before these (previous) over 7 speeding tickets, minor but speeding none the less. Im now looking @ over $10,000 for BASIC insurance

So your license is currently suspended?
Last week I got my first motorcycle speeding ticket. On my way back from the stealearship (4000 mile service), I was laser tagged going 70MPH in a 45MPH zone. The motorcycle cop had a BMW 1200cc bike. Anyway I have yet to see how much the penalty is going to be. I have a notice to appear in court before June 20, 2008.

Before then I should get a reminder notice. My plan is:
1. Postpone if possible court hearing
2. Plead Non Guilty
3. If I am found guilty then ask for traffic school
its been a long time since i got a ticket. my last one was in southern indiana and the cop was really nice to me. i had a toyota supra and was booking down the road, with no speeo to see my mph, i was only going by my tach. the cop said i was over 90 when he tagged me, but when he got behind me i slowed to 80 ish in a 55. he asked me why i didnt slow down more, and of course i told him about the broken speedo, then he asked me if i was drinking. i had a power aid next to me and i opened it up to let him inspect it. i got a ticket for 50 bucks or something with no points taken from my Kentucky license. if you get pulled over in kentucky though, you cant just send the payment by mail. you have to go to court, and what ever the fine they tag on 100 something dollars for court cost. if you dont want any points taken, you can hire a lawyer for 100 bucks and he can get everything taken care of with only a fee. no points. it works out to be a few hundred dollars for barely breaking the speed limit. I did however notice that in indiana, if you speed in a work zone, its a minimum fine of 1000 dollars, and maximum of 8 years in prison. hehe dont speed in indana.
Are you aware that once you plead not guilty your are no longer eligible for traffic school.com

That is an urban legend. I've seen the court room proceedings and usually what happens is that you know whether the cop showed up or not. If he/she is there you can change your plea to guilty or no contest. Then beg judge for traffic school. If there is a will there is a way.
well ive been forced to park my bike for a year or 2 due to tickets last summer. 186km in a 100- criminal conviction 6 points, $750 fine, $550 for a lawyer. 2 days later 110 in a 50- careless driving 6 points. and a careless driving- went up to the red light through 2 cars with my girlfriend on thr back, along with 4 other people getting the same ticket. before these (previous) over 7 speeding tickets, minor but speeding none the less. Im now looking @ over $10,000 for BASIC insurance
Mate with out being disrespectful,
How come it took you so many times before the penny dropped? I have had one speeding fine 36mph in a 30 (which was a 40 when I went to work) £96.00.
Now I am no angel but you got to pick you spots better. How in the hell are you going to find $10,000 for insurance? I respect your honesty in posting up.

Where have u been in Russia??!
In Russia policemen stop very seldom,,, i have never received tickets. They can stop u and ask about your motorcycle :))

I wasn't om my bike.
This time I was at Siberia and near the Black Sea.

P.S. by the way, I was born is st. Petersburg. Like this city very much.
I got caught once, just recently in Dallas. I was driving my bud's car, 45 in a 35. Turned out his insurance had expired 2 days prior :( Ended up getting off with a warning though :D Traffic cameras here in Albuquerque are a different story though. Got hit twice by those, no points off but they were about $150 each if I remember correctly.
Last week I got my first motorcycle speeding ticket. On my way back from the stealearship (4000 mile service), I was laser tagged going 70MPH in a 45MPH zone. The motorcycle cop had a BMW 1200cc bike. Anyway I have yet to see how much the penalty is going to be. I have a notice to appear in court before June 20, 2008.

Before then I should get a reminder notice. My plan is:
1. Postpone if possible court hearing
2. Plead Non Guilty
3. If I am found guilty then ask for traffic school

Nice thing here in Vegas, they're really no such things as speeding tickets. Yes, you will get cited for speeding, but $50 to a laywer
who specializes on tickets will reduce it down to a $15 parking ticket. No points, no huge $ for speeding, and nothing on your driving record. Otherwise, we wouldn't have any cab drivers in this city.