Southwest Colorado


The Toy Lady
Elite Member
Nov 13, 2007
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Just got home yesterday from a much needed ride down to the southwest part of the state. Wanted to share a few pics from it
Oh and that last picture....John & I both get to contribute to the Dept. of Revenue! Sneaky b@st@rd, got us going down a hill. :spank:
Total miles was 904 over 4 days
That looks like an amazing ride...well, right up to the last part anyway:spank:
What beemer does John have?
Amazing pictures and sounds like a great trip.. till the *toll* :(
yeah that "catch on the down hill run" is a nasty way to raise revenue, but what can you do, but remember the other"good" bits of the trip
nice pics- love that one down the valley over the pole fence
Nice pics and thanks! We were out your way in July for two weeks. Sort of the same thing, we were coming down a hill into a tunnel. There was a flashing 'your speed' sign then a white flash starting going off like it was photographing. I fully expect(ed) to get a "thank you" for visiting Colorado letter with a "tax" bill included, but nothing yet. That was heading over towards Gunnison. Then, the next day we got stopped by a sheriff. He was a real piece of work. He received another call while we were digging out our paperwork, said we were clear to go, flipped his lights on and took off. "Catch and release" I guess for us!!

The next to last day we got caught in a mud slide just outside of your fine city on Rt 24. I guess it happens frequently now. We sat for over 3 hrs while they dug 5-7 cars out. No one was hurt.

Lots of nice roads and a spectacular view around every corner!!!
Apparently not for motorcyclists! Before we left the scene, he had 2 more on the line! :eek:

Well did you tell him you were with the greatest online forum in the world? Works every time for us.

If you don't mind me asking, how fast and how much?
Well did you tell him you were with the greatest online forum in the world? Works every time for us.

If you don't mind me asking, how fast and how much?

Guess our state patrol are not as cool as the ones in Cali (I'm assuming you are referring to Officer Peterson) because he ticketed me for doing 64 in a 55, it'll cost us both $98.50 each with 1 point on our licences.
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Your pictures are wonderful - tell us more about the good parts of the trip? Did you pick a special route? Any nice foodie discoveries? Were there things that you planned that turned out better than expected?

:D So nice to hear you finally got out on the road before summer's end!!
Guess our state patrol are not as cool as the ones in Cali (I'm assuming you are referring to Officer Peterson) because he ticketed me for doing 64 in a 55, it'll cost us both $98.50 each with 1 point on our licences.

That's lame. The old saying, nine your fine, ten your mine. Must have been a newbie trooper.
Your pictures are wonderful - tell us more about the good parts of the trip? Did you pick a special route? Any nice foodie discoveries? Were there things that you planned that turned out better than expected?

:D So nice to hear you finally got out on the road before summer's end!!

Good parts of the trips? The roads, the scenery, the weather, and our hotels were all free :) (John used to travel alot, he has a few Hilton points)
And we didn't hit any road construction :thumbup: