
Keep it Kosher
May 11, 2008
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Boston, MA
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If any of you are following the news, a good portion of Northeast Orange County is on fire. Including Yorba Linda, Anaheim Hills, and parts of Brea (as well as parts of Riverside County). My house is literally a mile from the flame front and I have been evacuated. Thankfully, I had enough time to grab the non-replaceable items, but had to leave most of my things behind.

For those of you who are religious, and even those of you who aren't, I could really use your prayers right now to keep my home safe.:(

Thanks guys and gals.

Got to the house today and looks like we are in the clear! Thanks for all of the support, you guys are the best.:cheer:
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I've seen the news throughout the day. Hang tough, we are thinking of you. :(
Thanks guys. As of right now, I'm pretty sure my house is still standing. It all depends on the winds tonight and if they change direction. If they change, I'm screwed. If they stay the same or just stop, I'll be good to go. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers.:thumbup:
Got the bike out right????

In all seriousness good luck, it'll work out.

Unfortunately, I wrecked that about two months ago. So there is no bike yet.:spank:

All the cars and most of the irreplaceable items have been removed and all of my family is safe. That is all that is really important, but of course I'd love to have my house back in one piece.:thumbup:
I didn't see this before I sent you a text. The ash has covered my house and vehicles, but I'm more than 10 miles away..
I've got you covered Rob if you or your family need anything.
I had no idea that there was a fire outside of LA. All I kept seeing on the news were the fires up north near Santa Barbara and all those mansions burning to the ground. Hope your home survies. It's tough living in Southern Cal, you have earthquakes and fires. Keep us posted.
In two days we have had two major fires in So Cal and i just so happen to live in between them. From where I live, the sky has become very smoggy and the air smells like an ash tray. Yesterday, I was cruising down the 210 heading west at night and saw the fire in the Angeles forest mountains. It was crazy. From a distance it was just a read cloud, but when I got closer, a whole portion of the montain was a full blaze. I have to admit, with respect to the burnt home victims, it was an incredible sight. And the winds! I don't think I've ever felt my Accord being blown around like that. And seeing the embers fly all over the freeway was pretty wild. I didn't see any motorcyclists on the road, but i dont think any rider would have lasted long in the smoke and high winds.

These two fires are probably the worst we've had and its taken a lot of homes. rsw81, I hope your home is ok.
I didn't see this before I sent you a text. The ash has covered my house and vehicles, but I'm more than 10 miles away..
I've got you covered Rob if you or your family need anything.

Thanks John. As of right now, I think we are okay. We'll see in the morning.

Thanks for all the support guys.
I am really sorry to hear that Rob, I really hope that you get back home the soonest... Same goes for all homeowners in the area.
From someone who has more chance of their property turning into an igloo than a fire, I wish you and yours the best of luck.

At the end of the day as long as your loved ones are with you, nothing else matters. Insurance is also a wonderful thing to have.

We pray it all turns out ok for you, so keep the forum up to date with whats going on.
