So, do you have a tattoo?

Do u have a tattoo?

  • No, never!

    Votes: 71 33.2%
  • No, but I want one

    Votes: 42 19.6%
  • Yeah, I have one

    Votes: 53 24.8%
  • H*ll yeah!! I got a few

    Votes: 48 22.4%

  • Total voters
You guys in California (my home state, stuck in Ohio for now..) might recognize this:

Why do you have a tattoo of a russian bear with a communist star??:eek:

Only tattoo I have, for now...
here's what I sent my artist

what he drew


and all done

I'm very happy with it and basically got it for free
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here are most of mine, have some more done on my back too on the other shoulder :D pics are a little blurry





Not the best pic but its a bike chain wrapping around my arm and finishing on the back of my forearm. More will be added soon but its for the love of my bikes. And i got another with my family name on the back of my neck. No pic of that one yet
Looks great, man! I'm itching to get another one on my left arm but will have to wait a bit. :spank: That ink in the ditch feels great, right? :BLAA:

I could've gotten the full back piece I wanted last summer, but opted for buying a nicer running bike instead...and here I am. :thumbup:

Thanks, yeah I've been dying to have this done for a long time, been to a couple different guys and didn't like how they did my drawing but finally found one who turned my chicken scratch idea into pure awesomeness! And yeah the ditch was great lol I was originally wanting to have it all done in one session but after the 5th hr and everything was already swelling I said ill wait lol

I got a ****ty Panama City I'm 16 and just want a tat, tattoo above it and once I figure out how I want to cover it ill get more gears and stuff going all the way up