SNAKE SURPRISE For Biker At 250Km/Hr Speed


Be nice i am
May 25, 2010
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Telford England
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Yikees!!! think i would have crashed if that had been me...

[ame=]SNAKE SURPRISE For Biker At 250Km/Hr Speed - YouTube[/ame]
Am I the only one who was watching how much like an a$$hat this guy was riding and didn't even notice the snake until he stopped? No wonder all the cars were honking as the went by these morons were doing 3X the speed limit narrowly passing each other and cars. :spank:

This is why a lot of cagers hate bikers, especially sport bike riders.

As for the snake, that guy got quite the ride.
Am I the only one who was watching how much like an a$$hat this guy was riding and didn't even notice the snake until he stopped?

No. I noticed it too, but was distracted by the snake. My guess would be that he did notice the snake, and stopped because of it.
Looks like a smart snake. Realized the pilot if the spaceship he was riding was insane and decided to abandon ship and/or mutiny. ;)
^ Same here. I gotta say, though: Nerves of steel on that rider! Especially if he's someone who's weirded out by snakes, OR if that snake was poisonous. Even if it wasn't, that's still a cool set of nerves on that guy. Snakes are creepy.
Am I the only one who was watching how much like an a$$hat this guy was riding and didn't even notice the snake until he stopped? No wonder all the cars were honking as the went by these morons were doing 3X the speed limit narrowly passing each other and cars. :spank:

This is why a lot of cagers hate bikers, especially sport bike riders.

As for the snake, that guy got quite the ride.

The add banner covered it the first go through and all I could think was what a squid!

Funny tho!