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Smell of raw gas after rides


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Dec 1, 2018
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Knoxville, TN
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So I did a search here on the subject and although some issues are similar, I just wanted to throw my particulars in there to see if the issue can be diagnosed better or just left alone. Bought my 08 last November with 7260 miles on it and just hit 9000 over the weekend. The only engine/exhaust mod I did was a Delkevic carbon fiber exhaust to replace the quiet/buzzy stock exhaust. I rode the bike throughout the winter and spring here in Knoxville, TN so it was cold/cool most days and no smell of gas. It wasn't until a couple months ago that I started to smell raw gas after the bike came up to temp. I smell it while riding like when I come to a stop at a light or just idling with no wind and proceed to stink up the garage for a couple hours after I get home while the bike is cooling down.

I originally thought it was coming from the fuel cap but right after getting off the bike the other day, I sniffed around the right the right side of the bike just below the gas tank and the smell was strong. I saw someone's idea to disconnect the battery after an exhaust install as the fuel mapping may have changed with the exhaust and needs a reset. I've installed a couple of mods (HealTech Pro Brake Light Pro and Gear Indicator and Denali Soundbomb) since the exhaust install and the battery had to be disconnected for those so unintentionally, I've had the battery disconnected for at least 10 minutes. Are there any hoses or lines connected to the underside of the tank that expel fumes as the temps rise?

Here's a checklist of what you may ask:
Is it popping or back firing on deceleration: No
Does it stumble at low RPM's? No
Are the plugs looking funny or wet? Have not checked the plugs.
Does it idle high or rough? No
Is it running warmer or cooler than normal? On a looong ride yesterday in 90 degree heat, the engine temp was around 185 degrees.
Is the exhaust visible, and what color? Exhaust is clear.
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Just my experience, but I had the same gas smell for the past couple of years and couldn't figure out what changed.
But last week I went to change the mid-point clutch adjustment, which involves lifting the tank and removing the airbox for access. Noticed that one of my hoses was disconnected, had to have been from the last time I had removed the airbox for a thermostat removal. Someone here I'm sure can describe what this particular hose does, but once reconnected the smell went away!

Not saying this is your issue, but check it out as it would cause the gas smell you're referring to.

Very nice! I've messed with the airbox area in routing the wires for the accessories so I'll lift the tank and check. If this fixes it, I'm sending you a pack of digital donuts.
to piggy back on the other guys response, there are 2 vent hoses on the bottom of the tank, in hot weather gas produces more vapor so it pushes more out. its designed to not drown you in gas if you lowside the thing. sometimes they get loose. you could also check your fuel line for dry rot, as a small amount of drippage would smell really strongly in summer
Lastly to add to both posts, the two hoses run on each side of the tank at the bottom, outside of the tank(near the frame).

One is a vent, one is an overflow should too much fuel reach the top of the tank filler.

MOST importantly (you don't have to lift the tank-actually best not to), is see/feel the hoses on each side. They both exit eventually on the right side of the bike, thru a wire guide (right near the CAT).

You want to gently tug on the ends while feeling that the hose is STRAIGHT and NOT kinked... Anytime the tank is lifted, it DOES PULL those hoses up

They make some turns, the left side cuts across to meet up next to the other. Both should stick down a couple inches lower than the guide if not kinked..

You can see the inside of the fuel tank where the two separate hard lines run, then connect to the rubber hoses:
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Thanks TownsendsFJR1300. I'll look around tonight. Whenever I lift the tank (which is rarely), the lines have plenty of slack and I just rest a wooden mallet against the tank and the bottom of the handle right at the top of the airbox intake so I'm not stretching anything. If there was some fuel overflow from a fill-up, how long does it take to dissipate and could that be the smell? I sniffed around the engine last night while checking the airbox hoses and still smelled raw gas very faintly and hadn't used the bike since Sunday. Also, there are a couple of lines around the engine that have pointed plastic ends on them. Are those part of the lines from the tank? Lastly, there is no dripping of fuel whether the bike is on or sitting in the garage.
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Thanks TownsendsFJR1300. YEPPER, (Scott)

I'll look around tonight. Whenever I lift the tank (which is rarely), the lines have plenty of slack DOESN'T MATTER, THE LINES GET PULLED UP SOME, YOU NEED TO PULL THE SLACK BACK OUT ONCE THE TANK IS LOWERED.. and I just rest a wooden mallet against the tank and the bottom of the handle right at the top of the airbox intake so I'm not stretching anything.(SEE ABOVE)

If there was some fuel overflow from a fill-up, how long does it take to dissipate and could that be the smell? OVER FLOW WOULD COME OUT THE LINE ONTO THE GROUND IMMEDIATLY, THAT IS IF IT ISN'T KINKED AND NOT PULLED BACK OUT.

I sniffed around the engine last night while checking the airbox hoses and still smelled raw gas very faintly and hadn't used the bike since Sunday. LIKELY FUEL IS BACKED UP IN A KINKED LINE

Also, there are a couple of lines around the engine that have pointed plastic ends on them. THE HOSES ARE BLACK AND SHOULD LIKE MINE BELOW PICTURED. IF THEY DON'T STICK OUT THAT FAR (UN-LESS BUT), THE STOCK LINES SHOULD LOOK LIKE THAT

Are those part of the lines from the tank? YES, BOTH ARE, THE VENT AND THE OVERFLOW.


Lastly, there is no dripping of fuel whether the bike is on or sitting in the garage. FUEL WILL ONLY DRIP WHEN THE TANK IS FILLED TO THE BRIM. IF SAY APPROX 1" BLOW THE FILLER, IT LIKELY WON'T

My hoses (you can see the angled cut from the factory):

*One member had a fuel tank with one of those INTERNAL TANK LINES rotted away and LEAKING fuel. IE, Fuel wouldn't make it down the hoses but leak directly from the tank.

*Lastly, one other member had the O-ring FAIL that goes between the tank and fuel pump.
I overnighted him my old, (but still sealing) last O-ring as he was stranded far from home..

Just a couple things to look for under the tank if the fuel lines are correctly placed and no kinks..
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So I propped the tank up and checked all lines. Attached are some photos I took. The fuel line connector at the fuel rail was connected but when I gave it a little push, I did hear a tiny click. I didn't see any signs of gas residue underneath the connector or on any of the lines so I'm not sure that fixed anything. Both drain hoses are in great shape and are free of kinks but just don't hang down as far as yours and that's even after pulling out the slack as I put the tank back into place. The three lines running into the air filter are all clamped in place so nothing there. The only other thing I found was the the rubber tank support on the bike's right side (camera left) was hanging off of the edge of the tank as you can see. Maybe that was pinching one of the lines when the tank was down.

I haven't used the bike since last weekend and the smell of raw fuel is now completely gone so I guess there is no leaking going on when the bike is cooled and parked. My handlebar risers are coming today so my next ride will be over the weekend as long as all my cables can stretch to the new length.

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So I propped the tank up and checked all lines. Attached are some photos I took. The fuel line connector at the fuel rail was connected but when I gave it a little push, I did hear a tiny click. THAT WAS YOUR ISSUE... IT'S A PRESSURIZED LINE WHEN RUNNING.


I didn't see any signs of gas residue underneath the connector or on any of the lines so I'm not sure that fixed anything. Both drain hoses are in great shape and are free of kinks but just don't hang down as far as yours and that's even after pulling out the slack as I put the tank back into place. GOOD, DO THAT EVERYTIME THE TANK IS LIFTED..

The three lines running into the air filter are all clamped in place so nothing there. The only other thing I found was the the rubber tank support on the bike's right side (camera left) was hanging off of the edge of the tank as you can see. Maybe that was pinching one of the lines when the tank was down.

I haven't used the bike since last weekend and the smell of raw fuel is now completely gone so I guess there is no leaking going on when the bike is cooled and parked. My handlebar risers are coming today so my next ride will be over the weekend as long as all my cables can stretch to the new length.


Sorry, I wanted to ride a couple times to do a couple checks. I did a 4 hour ride over the weekend and an hour ride yesterday afternoon and dammit, I still smell it. Right when I jumped off the bike, I smelled around the lower part of the tank where the engine heat flows out and I don't think I smelled anything other that hot engine heat. I guess that means it's not that strong anymore or I'm just turning nose blind to it. I smelled the gas cap (closed and locked) and I do smell the raw gas smell but that too may be normal and the tank was half full.

All I know is that it wasn't doing this from December to March in the East Tennessee winters where most mornings were in the low 30s and afternoons were in the upper 40s to 50s. I never smelled anything while riding or when the bike was cooling down in the garage. Now I smell it all the time and the only difference I know is that we're riding in 95 degree heat and humidity. Could that just be causing more tank pressures that I'm somehow smelling? I guess I can try a cooler night ride for an hour or so and see if it still happens. If so, I guess i can look into the o-ring issue mentioned earlier.
Before pulling the tank, remove the tank cap. Three of the six allan head bolts hold it on. With it off, gently blow (with compressed air) thru the vent / hoses to make sure all is clear.

What you'll see after pulling the cap:

While the cap is off and with some extra hands(to block openings), lift the tank and pressurize it (as if hot in the sun and fuel is expanding).

You should now be able to see any fuel leaking from the fuel pump seal (if need be, spray some soapy water-like looking for a hole in bicycle tube) for air escaping.
Thanks. I'll give that a try. After my two hour ride tonight, there was no smell of gas in the garage and the only thing I did different was leave my tank bag on the bike. So that means the smell is coming from the cap somewhere. Kinda gels with what your suggesting to do.