Scooter with a Big Gulp on the Interstate...


Junior Cheeseburger
Jul 20, 2008
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Western Wisconsin
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So I'm commuting home from work today on Interstate I-494 near Newport, MN. Its the height of rush hour, bumper to bumper traffic going 65 to 70 mph. I look to my right and I had to do a double-take...I see this old pudgy guy on a scooter so small it didn't look legal on the freeway, he's wearing jeans, a t-shirt, no gear AT ALL. He's got his right hand on the throttle and his left hand holding this huge whopping iced drink with a straw. I mean this thing looked like a Big Gulp and the guy looked like he was tooling around the neighborhood after visiting the Seven 11. For a minute I felt a little silly in my textile over pants, neon mesh armored jacket, gloves, helmet, the works...then my common sense kicked in and I realized, one false move (or teenage girl texting behind him) and this guy is a bloody streak on the interstate with a trail of ice cubes behind him. Other than squids on sport bikes in shorts and flip flops, anyone else see something this ridiculous lately? :confused:
my common sense kicked in and I realized, one false move (or teenage girl texting behind him) and this guy is a bloody streak on the interstate with a trail of ice cubes behind him. :confused:

I love your description of him! Once I saw a man eating a PLATE of food, with the newspaper on the steering wheel. And, of course, the occasional woman putting on mascara in the rear view mirror. When I see that I always hope they hit a bump and poke their eye with that thing. They give normal women like me a bad name! :spank: No, your scooter guy with a Big Gulp definitely takes the prize! Thanks for the laughs.
Man, that description is hilarious :rof:

Amazing how people like this guy take something potentially so deadly so lightly :disapprove:
To beat that I'd have to spot a clown on a moped heading down I-95 eating cotton candy. Since I haven't spotted that yet, I fold.
All I've noticed lately are the typical squids on Gixxer and CBR1k's and R1's in shorts, wife beaters, and tennis shoes.

I saw two different people on two different bikes that were wearing the same identical squid gear.
The best thing that you could have done was whip your phone out and snap a fast pic. :needpics: Im guilty of texting and driving (and riding)....... But ya :needpics:!!!!!!!!!!!
The best thing that you could have done was whip your phone out and snap a fast pic. :needpics: Im guilty of texting and driving (and riding)....... But ya :needpics:!!!!!!!!!!!

Thought about that but didn't have time to get my phone out of my tank bag as I was flying past my shock and disbelief slowed my reaction time.
I have seen quite a few squids, but none as bad as that guy.

The funniest thing I have seen while riding though would have to be the time I was riding down the interstate and passed a S-10 pickup truck with two horses standing in the bed! :eek: There was no cage or anything around them. They were just standing there. :squid: