Sad story, ride safe

Is it just me or did it look like he was going a good bit faster than 45...? And the front of the bike was diving a LOT, you can see the bike pitching down almost to the point of doing an endo - that wasn't just the rear brake. Really really sad, and REALLY avoidable. Or, what Erci said... he could've saved himself from the cager's mistake.
I do not know for CERTAIN how I will react in a given situation, I am human, we make mistakes, sometimes fatal ones...

This is the difference between a seasoned rider versus a less experienced rider. Your mental and physical reflex will dictate whether you live or die in these instances.

Don't want to take that chance? Slow down,scan aggressively, ride with a strategy, always know how, where and what to look for.
At least this driver turned himself in. Keep in mind that the primary reason why people flee after being involved in a collision is because they are either drunk or under the influence of something illegal or on prescription drugs, or have a suspended license. They are buying themselves time so that their impairments wear off. Not saying that this was the reason why the driver fled in this case.

Well, let's not give him too much credit. The end of the video said it took 24hrs of negotiating with police before he turned himself in. They had already identified him and issued a warrant for his arrest.
It's very hard to tell from the video, but to me it does look like speed was a factor in this accident. That may or may not be any fault of the rider' could be that the posted limit for this street is too high. It appears that there are a lot of businesses on the street, meaning lots of traffic slowing and coming on and off.

My sympathies are with this young man's family and friends. Lord have mercy on his soul.
Let us all look at this video and reflect on how we ride. Let this be a reminder that there is a constant danger in this thing that we all love so much. Two young life's have come to an end because of this. I have said it a hundred, but I ride like nobody on the road sees me there. It has saved me time and again. I had a girl pull right out in front of me the other day. I was accelerating from a light still under the speed limit going into a gradual right turn. She was indicating a left. Sure enough, right out in front of me. I move to the far right of my lane and applied the brakes. I came right up on her right outside bumper, but no crashing for me. Like vagasrider said scan, but also plan. Play the "what if" game in your head with every car you come across, and when that car does do that "what if" you have already come up with your exit plan. I wish the best for those families that have suffered in this. Ride safe friends.
It appears to me he was speeding. But we must also remember that because the size of the bike is so small, it appears to be going much faster than it was. And it's much more difficult to judge it's speed as well.

The reason why I said it appears he was speeding because he passed one or two vehicles like they were standing still. But again, the cars could have been going 10mph.

Crash investigators will be able to determine exactly how fast, since they have the video. Just comes down to basic math, time and distance.

As mentioned earlier, does not appear like the cager did an illegal u-turn, just simply pulled out of a driveway. Did anyone notice the guy standing next the building when all this happened? He witnessed the entire thing and he just stood there like nothing ever happened. WTF?
I'm no expert, but it looks like the motorcyclist was doubling the traffics speed.

I'm going to practice posted limits myself. so sad.
Did anyone notice the guy standing next the building when all this happened? He witnessed the entire thing and he just stood there like nothing ever happened. WTF?

This! That impact had to make a horrific sound! I would have reacted immediately had I been there. My first instinct would have been to take pictures of the cager fleeing the scene (I've done that before and helped the law catch a hit and run from a parking lot incident). Secondly would have been to (safely) stop traffic in that lane.
It appears to me he was speeding. But we must also remember that because the size of the bike is so small, it appears to be going much faster than it was. And it's much more difficult to judge it's speed as well.

The reason why I said it appears he was speeding because he passed one or two vehicles like they were standing still. But again, the cars could have been going 10mph.

Crash investigators will be able to determine exactly how fast, since they have the video. Just comes down to basic math, time and distance.

As mentioned earlier, does not appear like the cager did an illegal u-turn, just simply pulled out of a driveway. Did anyone notice the guy standing next the building when all this happened? He witnessed the entire thing and he just stood there like nothing ever happened. WTF?

No, I only watched it twice.

OK - lets say he was doing the limit (45) and lost 4mph when braking. So he strikes the vehicle at 41mph and bumps it around an additional 20 to 30 degrees of rotation by hitting it in front of the rear tire? Nada!

Maybe striking the rear bumper could spin it like that, but not the mid section even at the glancing angle he had. To me that says he's speed was upwards of 50+++ on impact.

Aside from **potentially** going to fast, it seems he just wasn't looking ahead and/or assumed it would clear traffic and no action was required on his part.
OK - lets say he was doing the limit (45) and lost 4mph when braking. So he strikes the vehicle at 41mph and bumps it around an additional 20 to 30 degrees of rotation by hitting it in front of the rear tire? Nada!

Maybe striking the rear bumper could spin it like that, but not the mid section even at the glancing angle he had. To me that says he's speed was upwards of 50+++ on impact.


That sounds like some sketchy physics there. I'm going to need to see your work.
This one isn't such a sad story... almost funny. Watch for the phantom punch.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Hit and Flee - Motorbike and Car Crash‬‏[/ame]

Perfect example of why you need to practice emergency maneuvers (and wear ATGATT). Luckily, the rider was okay. Too bad the offending motorist fled the scene.
Sad, what a way to go. I was actually surprised how that all went down, I thought before watching it, that the SUV was gonna tag the dude in the other set of lanes or something along those lines. The rider just appears in frame, lcoks up the brake, and BAM! Too bad it didn't flip the SUV. lol It always saddens me to see so many people just continue on with their day after seeing something like that too, as if stopping to help never even occurs to them. :( Even before I was a rider, I would've rushed to help, stop traffic, and call for help. At least the driver is going to eat some felonies for fleeing. Other than that, it looks like a 50/50 split as to who's at fault.
This one isn't such a sad story... almost funny. Watch for the phantom punch.

YouTube - ‪Hit and Flee - Motorbike and Car Crash‬‏

Perfect example of why you need to practice emergency maneuvers (and wear ATGATT). Luckily, the rider was okay. Too bad the offending motorist fled the scene.

Debatable whether the rider really did get hit or not. However the car should have stopped.

Clear indication to me why the driver fled was A: no or suspended license B: No insurance C: Under the Influence D: All of the above.
Damn just saw that fatal clip now...
If you never took additional bike courses - do it soon!

Could sit here and write a short essay on what I believe that unfortunate bike-rider should have done, but I think most have already been covered throughout this thread.

Scary part really is that you never really know what you are going to do, until it someday might be you 3 seconds before same situation... damn go take some courses - technique, racetrack, the lot... you'll enjoy any regular bikeride even more when there is less and less of those "brown adrenalin" moments!
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No, I only watched it twice.

OK - lets say he was doing the limit (45) and lost 4mph when braking. So he strikes the vehicle at 41mph and bumps it around an additional 20 to 30 degrees of rotation by hitting it in front of the rear tire? Nada!

Maybe striking the rear bumper could spin it like that, but not the mid section even at the glancing angle he had. To me that says he's speed was upwards of 50+++ on impact.

Aside from **potentially** going to fast, it seems he just wasn't looking ahead and/or assumed it would clear traffic and no action was required on his part.

That speculation is completely by the seat of your pants. I agree with you that it "would seem" that the impact had to be harder than 45 mph to do that but there are so many variables to how much force it would take to cause the rear end of that particular SUV to spin like that...
1. the mass of the motorcycle
2. the mass of the rider
3. the velocity of the bike/rider
4. the angle of impact
5. the location of impact in relation to the rear axle
6. the forward velocity and mass of the SUV as well as the front axle to rear axle weight balance
7. the G-forces on the SUV as it was starting to make a LEFT turn which would have favored the motorcycle in requiring less force to spin the SUV as it was already beginning to rotate in that direction.
8. The condition of the SUV's tires
9. The friction coefficient of the road surface under the SUV's tires at the moment of impact. If it was cold outside the vehicle would require much less force to spin than in July.
10. If the vehicle was on the brakes the weight would shift to the front axle allowing the rear axle to be pushed with much less force.

Crazy/unbelievable things can happen in collisions.
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It appears that as the SUV was pulling out, the motorcyclist could have been blocked from his view by the much slower moving car. It also appears that the bike was going a bit faster than it should have been. Cant say for sure on all of that, but a sad thing to happen indeed, no matter who was at fault. Isn't it an automatic claim of fault if you flee from an accident?