Riding with one eye


Junior Member
Sep 30, 2010
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Phila, PA
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Just like the title says. Any other one eyed riders here like me? My story, had eye surgery, didnt go so good, lost 100% sight in left eye. Thought it would be the end of my riding. I was wrong!
Oh, you poor thing!

Glad you're still riding - it would just change your style a little I guess.

Hey, if people without limbs can still ride.....

Good luck to ya. It sounds like you have a fantastic attitude. :)

BTW, I'm only one-eyed when it comes to Rossi.....
Just like the title says. Any other one eyed riders here like me? My story, had eye surgery, didnt go so good, lost 100% sight in left eye. Thought it would be the end of my riding. I was wrong!

Wow! So how long have you been riding like this?
Riding with one eye in Philly? [email protected] safe.
Thats a super effort mate , I drove around for a week with an eye patch after a procedure & it scared the crap out of me :eek: I found it really hard to judge distances...

You also have a wonderful outlook on life :thumbup: Your welcome round my campfire anytime ;)
Oh, you poor thing!

Glad you're still riding - it would just change your style a little I guess.

Hey, if people without limbs can still ride.....

Good luck to ya. It sounds like you have a fantastic attitude. :)

BTW, I'm only one-eyed when it comes to Rossi.....

Your issues are self inflicted though Kazza! :BLAA:

Seriously though, DHoBack - kudos. Not many people would ride after that. Glad you have a positive outlook and are still enjoying the sport! :thumbup:
I know a rider with one eye and he is fast!!! :rockon:

Dont talk about Ozzieboy like that! :BLAA:

but seriously, just try shutting one eye, and then focussing on something, and try to do something co-ordinated... :eek:

to the OP, i am interested to know what has been the hardest thing to adjust to with losing sight in one eye.

The closest I've had was when my sunglasses fogged up on one side.

I add my kudos to you. So how are you able to judge distance?
The hardest thing has been depth perception. For the first few months I felt like I would never be on my bike again. But then I just got back on and found it wasnt so difficult at all. It has been almost 5 months now since the surgery, and I dont even notice that much now. It truly is amaizing what the human body can adapt to. The brain just adapts to one eye. Pretty amaizing when you think about it. A true blessing we are gifted with.
:Flip::Flip::Flip::Flip::rolleyes:Well I have been with one eye since i was born. And now im 67 and it has not stopped me from doing anything that I have really wanted to do I have worked in machine shops, when I was told no. I got a CDL A licence when I was told no, I ride my motorcycle when I was told no.
To the two gents who ride with one eye, I am highly impressed. I tried it once when I had to wear a patch, and man was it difficult. I guess the human mind would cope, but it must be a tough learning process
Just like the title says. Any other one eyed riders here like me? My story, had eye surgery, didnt go so good, lost 100% sight in left eye. Thought it would be the end of my riding. I was wrong!

I lost my right eye when I was 12 years old..got shot with a bb-gun:spank:

I bought my first street bike when I was 18 and never looked back!
I have done track days and love hitting the back roads of SOCAL with some of the other hoons on the forum... most other riders dont even know till I take of my shades.

I can say I turn my head a lot more then most rider's to ensure my blind spot is clear...

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Just like the title says. Any other one eyed riders here like me? My story, had eye surgery, didnt go so good, lost 100% sight in left eye. Thought it would be the end of my riding. I was wrong!

That is just plain impressive, and is inspiring for the rest of us. I'm just waiting for my eyes to start f*cking with me - I'm nearsighted with -8.5 and -9.0. If I lose a contact lens I am pretty much blind on that eye, but so far it hasn't happened. :thumbup:
Well I never thought about riding with one eye till this thread. But the fact that it's not really an issue does not surprise me'...the human body and the human spirit is pretty incredible at adapting!

All power to you guys...

What a cool thread. :thumbup:
Dont talk about Ozzieboy like that! :BLAA:

but seriously, just try shutting one eye, and then focussing on something, and try to do something co-ordinated... :eek:

to the OP, i am interested to know what has been the hardest thing to adjust to with losing sight in one eye.


Depth perception was the hardest adjustment. playing sports as a kid,lets just say I struck out.....A LOT, and shooting a 3 pointer....can you say Air Ball.
All and all I have done everything thus far that I have wanted to do in life and I'm thankful that my left eye is heathly and strong.

if I can offer any advice to the rest of you, please wear sunglasses when outside and some type of eye protection at all times. dont take your eye sight for grantit.

All the Gear All the Time....

I agree. Used to wear contacts all the time. Not anymore. Shatter proof glasses now. The little things are still tuogh, like catching keys in the the air. But, it hasnt stopped me from doing anything either.
I lost my right eye when I was 12 years old..got shot with a bb-gun:spank:

I bought my first street bike when I was 18 and never looked back!
I have done track days and love hitting the back roads of SOCAL with some of the other hoons on the forum... most other riders dont even know till I take of my shades.

I can say I turn my head a lot more then most rider's to ensure my blind spot is clear...


And he's no slouch! He's fast! Hahaha! :rockon:

I have a brother and a sister who lost sight do to detached retina. They both were near sighted and had LASIK surgery. Their retinas have reattached with treatment but I don't think the medical community is as honest as they need to be. Whenever I've been in an office where they were promoting LASIK I got the creeps. If you're very near sighted they say you have a better chance of detached retina but the LASIK shoots the percentages all to hell. My brother has to sleep sitting up for three months.

Yes wear eye safety gear. I hear a lot of peeps doing this and that with batteries on our bikes. Number-1 procedure....Wear protective eyewear!

Wolfman said it all when he said the human spirit. Makes me feel really good when I hear someone got a hit, took it, and hit back by living even better as a person.

:rockon:You guys rock!!!:rockon:
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