Riding while carrying coffee

Just the other day I came up alongside a Goldwing. Guy is sitting at the light with his external radio blaring some AM talk show, smoking a cigarette, open face helmet, and drinking a soft drink through a straw. Light turns green, he puts the soda in his cup holder, bites down on the cigarette and takes off.

I couldn't believe it.
You all scare me.

I don't even like to ride with my backpack on because I don't like any other factors when I'm riding. Juggling some sort of drink or unsecured item is not appealing to me at all. Not worth it!
During this past summer, I had a craving for Banana Shakes. So I often found myself going to the Ice Cream shop and buying a shake to go. I would stuff the shake with the lid and no straw inside the front of my jacket, so it fit nice and snug. Then I rode home and enjoyed my shake.

Why don't I just drink it there, I do, sometimes.
He's game. Guess he wasn't wearing a helmet, unless he had a straw.

I'm sure all the Aussies remember last year, when a motorcyclist in Melbourne got caught with a BBQ on his bike - he found it on the side of the road and thought "I'll just take that home with me. Don't have a car - no problem. I'll just carry it on my bike....". Photos made it around the world. :Flash:

What an idiot! :eek:

This guy :D


Freeway BBQ rider says he's embarrassed | News.com.au
I am a new rider so I haven't done this yet but I could see myself carrying bottled water in a tank bag to sip while stopped at red lights. Sensible, I think, for long rides on a hot day
I always enjoy when I walk into a fast-food place with my jacket on and helmet in-hand. When I order a burger and fries and get it to go, they always ask me if I want a drink. I just stare at them for a few second, they usually get it. Still funny everytime though!

If you look at the middle of this pic there is about 5 people all huddled around an old Kwaka 1200 touring bike.
It belongs to a mate of mine who came down from Northern Victoria to join me and 30 mates for a week of riding on the Great Ocean Road. He is retired and spent the winter in Queensland in a motor home without his bike. He flew home on Wednesday after 5 months away and rode the 400km to my place on the next day.
I asked him what preparations he had done to his bike after it had been sitting for 5 months and he planned on doing about 2,000 km in the next week. With great pride he showed me how he had wired a new cigarette lighter on the fairing in case the old one next to it died! His cigareetes are in a case behind the windshield and he smokes while he rides!!!
Whilst he was showing me this great mod, another rider pointed out the fact that one engine bolt was very loose and guess what, its partner on the other side must have been too at some stage as it had fallen off!!!!
Priorities aye????
He secured his engine with some fencing wire and made it to my place and bought a $4 bolt from the hardware the next day.
His old Kwaka has done 300,000 km

I've found that you can fit a few gallon jugs of McD's sweet tea in each of the Givi V35 saddle bags. If I must get a beverage to go, I grab a gallon and an empty cup and throw the food and beverage in the saddlebags.

I gave very brief consideration to sitting a bag of food on the tank of my old bike before I decided it would be smarter to stuff it in my jacket. I smelled like a hamburger for the rest of the day, but at least the food made it back to the office with me :)

I have a ram mount on the bars of the FZ6 for camera use... I need to invest in a cup holder for use when I'm not recording stuff.
I put a cup holder on all my bikes. I just mounted one to the FZ this morning, now to make a coffee run and test it......

pics to follow.
Maybe the Army turned me into a dork but....

CamelBak | Hydration Packs, Bottles, Reservoirs, Drinks & Accessories

All the hydration you can stand..... hands free.

Remembering many hours in a gas-mask, I seem to recall that you can port the side of your helmet to accept a permanent straw and camelbak makes a quick release for connecting to a gas mask (because you sweat your a$$ off on those things).

Surely people other than the Army use these things? I've got a bladder in my big green bag I use to haul everything, one in my small coyote bag for short day trips, etc. 1L up to 3L.

Heck, Walmart sells a cheapo bladder for around $10. 1.5L, I believe.
I love it when I go to Wal-Mart wearing my motorcycle gear...pants, jacket, boots....and carrying my helmet and go get a case of Coke and a case of Dr. Pepper. I get funny looks all the time. The case of cokes I have to open up and take 4 of them out, put the case in my Givi bag, then stick the 4 loose ones in. But since the Dr. Pepper case comes in a cube, it fits nicely in the bag on the other side :D
I can stand up a soda from a drivethru in my tank bag and ride home. I've also been eyeing the spot next to my ignition and resting onthe handlebar to carry a drink home. I saw a person the other day that had a drink in between their clutch cable and the other wiring they had on the left, (hydraulic clutch maybe)
I'm at Starbucks and when I ride I drink in and hang out.

Today as I rode up I saw a nice CBR 900 with a Yoshimura pipe parked that I checked out. I proceeded to go in and place my order and as I was waiting I spotted the other rider.

You can't believe my amazement when he mounted his bike and rode to the end of the parking lot with coffee in his left hand and right on the throttle. I couldn't believe my eyes.

He stopped at the end of the lot waiting for traffic to pass and then proceeded to leave and stalled with coffee still in his left hand. He kicked it into neutral and set the coffee in the area behind the windscreen then rode away. I was still in line so I don't know what became of him.

Do you think if he hadn't stalled he would of tried to ride one handed, I guess he could shift clutchless but I'd hate to imagine the outcome.

Go figure, I tried to snap a shot from my phone but was too late.
As someone has mentioned on here before.
You can't fix stupid.....

Maybe the Army turned me into a dork but....

CamelBak | Hydration Packs, Bottles, Reservoirs, Drinks & Accessories

All the hydration you can stand..... hands free.

Remembering many hours in a gas-mask, I seem to recall that you can port the side of your helmet to accept a permanent straw and camelbak makes a quick release for connecting to a gas mask (because you sweat your a$$ off on those things).

Surely people other than the Army use these things? I've got a bladder in my big green bag I use to haul everything, one in my small coyote bag for short day trips, etc. 1L up to 3L.

Heck, Walmart sells a cheapo bladder for around $10. 1.5L, I believe.
3L of coffee would defo give you a buzz...............

Just the other day I came up alongside a Goldwing. Guy is sitting at the light with his external radio blaring some AM talk show, smoking a cigarette, open face helmet, and drinking a soft drink through a straw. Light turns green, he puts the soda in his cup holder, bites down on the cigarette and takes off.

I couldn't believe it.

Once a year I go for a long 1-day ride through Nothern Germany with 6-7 others and one of the guys rides Goldwing - of course with cruise control... And every time he has to slowly pass me on the highway with his big coffe mug in right hand... riding 130 km/h :eek: :D