Return of the Squid


Easy Rider
Mar 2, 2009
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I was driving my son home on the freeway when this guy blasts past us on his crotchy with his hoody flapping in the wind, jeans riding up showing his bare ankles, and Vans on his feet. He was wearing a $400 Shoei helmet.

I muttered "geez, I'd hate to see that guy go down", then remembered a story about a similar guy in a t-shirt who rode past me one time years ago. I muttered the same thing...only to come across him about 6 blocks up, having laid the bike down and sliding on his back for bout 100 yards. He was sitting on the side of the road with literally all the skin on his back gone.

ATGATT indeed.
I will never forget (as a kid-80's) watching a guy hauling ass down I-5 on a crotch with nothing but flip flops, nylon shorts and shades...I am sure he thought he looked cool, but even back then I knew something was wrong...
After flipping over the front of my now totaled cbr600 last summer (in full gear), I want to vomit when I see these freaks in TX w/no helmets. After shoulder surgery in full sling and cast, I rolled my truck window down while at the bank atm at a guy on a cruiser wearing a short sleeve shirt, shorts, and no helmet. I told him he was wrong and he wasn't happy about it. Ah well....
Now that another hot California valley summer is approaching, soon, chicks in their shorts well be showing off their long, sleek and pretty legs with their arms wrapped around the guy in front on the sportbike. What can I say? For contrast, there are the Harley Mamas riding (actually "leaning back" on the sissy bar) baring their almost ugly, tattooed and cellulite-looking legs. Even the CHP bike officers wear short sleeve shirts (and shorts, too?) around here. I imagine the bike crash per capita rash injuries are higher (much higher) in summer than in winter.
WTF if you're going Squid might as well go all the way!! I'd much rather see that image... :rockon:
I really wonder about folks who wear no gear -- I bet they've never been in a mishap where the gear would've saved some skin or bones. All it takes is one mishap and you're sold on wearing something protective.

I believe in wearing gear all the time, however there is a person at work who believes that the only thing that will protect you is a helmet, nothing else will (Yes I feel he is THAT stupid) .... As for Aus Post despite there crack down on safety getting more stupid by the day they never look at the actual postie gear, helmet, boots and a high visibility shirt ....
I believe in wearing gear all the time, however there is a person at work who believes that the only thing that will protect you is a helmet, nothing else will ....

wear your jacket, take a cheese grater to his arm.. after he cleans up his wounds, tell him he can do the same thing to your arm.... see who wins
I was riding to work yesterday on a basically dedicated piece of highway where you can see long stretch of the road which shall remain nameless. ;) As I entered into it, there was a guy behind me on a naked Kawa (looked like an ER6n, but I may be wrong) riding with T-shirt. Seeing that the road is empty of any type of vehicle, I quickly accelerated to my cruising speed of 8K ;) on the dial. I looked at the mirror, saw that he slowed down on the S-curve entrance to the highway, but, speed up after he cleared it and now was keeping up with me. Looked ahead , there were no vehicles of any kind with the exception of a bike and couple of cars far down the road.

Just wanted to see how far he was going to keep up with me (yes, I know, stupid, so spare the lectures), gave it a little more twist to the throttle, accelerated to 9-10-11-12K while keeping an eye on what he is doing behind me just as Nickleback's "If Today Was Your Last Day" started to play on my phone's MP3 player :eyebrow:. Interestedly enough, he was keeping up with me, but now, laying on the tank. :) I guess T-shirt at that speed wasn't cut it for him. As I started to approach the bike and the cars in front, I started to slow down to match their speed.

I am guessing that the bike in front (R type bike), seeing that two distant dots behind him all of the sudden became very big, decided to go little faster as well. He speed up to pass two cars in front as we approached to another open stretch of road. I followed him and so did the guy behind me. We were now riding in formation at a nice pace which continued all the way until the end of the highway. It was one of those, rare, no cars on the road moments.

All in all, it was a nice ride with one of my record time to the office. But, I was thinking how it must have been for the person behind me all the way in riding with just T-shirt on a naked bike.
I really wonder about folks who wear no gear -- I bet they've never been in a mishap where the gear would've saved some skin or bones. All it takes is one mishap and you're sold on wearing something protective.


Yeah...none of the millions and millions of Harley riders ever fell off a motorcycle before......or they would KNOW to wear a 30 pound cow suit...look like a gay power ranger..... and sweat to death when riding. Thank you for posting.
Yeah...none of the millions and millions of Harley riders ever fell off a motorcycle before......or they would KNOW to wear a 30 pound cow suit...look like a gay power ranger..... and sweat to death when riding. Thank you for posting.

Well someone with all your experience, you should know that there are plenty of other options for protective riding gear than a full leather racing suit. :rolleyes:

I know plenty of Harley guys who wear leather or textile jackets and pants and....(shudder),full face helmets!

As for 'sweating to death', well ya know sometimes it just might be too hot to ride. No one said that riding a motorcycle is always a comfortable experience. Personally I'd reather be a little sweaty than be a lot scarred up in the event of a misshap. If it's that hot out that you are going to sweat to death than leave the bike in the garage and take the car with A/C!

Originally Posted by Dennis in NH
I really wonder about folks who wear no gear -- I bet they've never been in a mishap where the gear would've saved some skin or bones. All it takes is one mishap and you're sold on wearing something protective.


As for people who don't wear gear...well lets just say the world is full of 'sepcial people' who don't posses the trait of having common sense and have to learn things the hard way. In thier case, stupidity IS painful and I refuse to spend one second feeling sorry for some toolbag who bails without proper gear on. Don't look so cool now do ya! That wife-beater and flip flops really worked out well for your dumb a$$ didn't it!? They are just living proof that some people evolve/mature much, much slower than most.

Who knows, maybe I'm just out of touch with todays fashion and skin grafts are "in" for Summer '10...

The one thing we can be sure of is there will always be non gear wearing squids. You can set your watch to that fact. They are also too stupid to realize that the only people they impress with their 'no gear lifestyle' are other squids and 6yr olds.
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Well someone with all your experience, you should know that there are plenty of other options for protective riding gear than a full leather racing suit. :rolleyes:

I know plenty of Harley guys who wear leather or textile jackets and pants and....(shudder),full face helmets!

As for 'sweating to death', well ya know sometimes it just might be too hot to ride. No one said that riding a motorcycle is always a comfortable experience. Personally I'd reather be a little sweaty than be a lot scarred up in the event of a misshap. If it's that hot out that you are going to sweat to death than leave the bike in the garage and take the car with A/C!

As for people who don't wear gear...well lets just say the world is full of 'sepcial people' who don't posses the trait of having common sense and have to learn things the hard way. In thier case, stupidity IS painful and I refuse to spend one second feeling sorry for some toolbag who bails without proper gear on. Don't look so cool now do ya! That wife-beater and flip flops really worked out well for your dumb a$$ didn't it!? They are just living proof that some people evolve/mature much, much slower than most.

Who knows, maybe I'm just out of touch with todays fashion and skin grafts are "in" for Summer '10...

The one thing we can be sure of is there will always be non gear wearing squids. You can set your watch to that fact. They are also too stupid to realize that the only people they impress with their 'no gear lifestyle' are other squids and 6yr olds.

HAAARRRUMPH!!!!!! :thumbup:
not wearing gear, to me does not make me stupid, i have common sense, im an intelligent person, i wear my helmet, usually(always on non city roads above 35ish) im youngish 25, i full well know that if/when i fall its gonna hurt, i accept this, it doesn't make me dumb or stupid, it makes me much more aware of my surroundings, much more aware of what people are doing and what i think they will do , i would never wear leathers in the summer, dont like being constricted dont like being hot, but this doesnt mean i dont think ill ever fall, its all preferences, are people who dont wear there seatbelts stupid and idiots? it is all preferences, but then again i have not been down