Rear shock setting



I have a '08 FZ6 and today I adjusted my rear shock to position #6. The factory position was the usual #3, which felt way too soft to me, thus the reason for the increase.

My weight - 182.5 lbs

I like the stiffness of the feel of my bike now, but was wondering if you think that this might be too high of a setting for my weight?

Any input appreciated!
I have read other threads about this on here, and most people that are about your weight (myself included) have it on 4. I have not tested higher settings, but 5 and up seem to cause some weird riding experiences now and then. Maybe try the search function...
I have been doing a lot of riding in the canyons since i moved to San Diego. I have my setting at 7. im 6'2 180 lbs

For everyday riding, id put it on 4 so it aborbs most of the bumps
5 is probably perfect for you. Measure your sag and find out.

I switched down to 5 and you're right, this seems to be the best all-around setting for overall comfort, yet enough rear-end stiffness for my weight. I can ride it at 6, but it doesn't seem to compress enough when I sit on the bike. I'm not taking it to the track, just hard driving in the city/highway environment.

I ride nothing but 7 but I'm also 220 lbs. As soon as I park it for the winter, I'll be studying DefyInertia's great writeup and putting in my racetech springs! :D
I'm 6', 180lbs. I have mine on 4 and it feels about right. 3 was too soft. I would guess that any higher than 5, for people of our size/weight is going to render the ride harsh.

I'm guessing that the factory "3" setting is for riders of about 150-160lbs. I rode it on 3 for quite some time, even hauling fairly good size loads (~40-50lbs) on the back. Granted, that's less than most pillions would weigh, but more than just your average, small saddle bag. There were times that it felt like it wallowed, so I went up one click.

If I were to haul those loads again, I'd be interested to see how it behaves. If it were blowing through the travel, then I'd go up one more click, but I don't think I'd go beyond that unless I started hauling a passenger or full luggage on a regular basis.

As has been mentioned, the best way to determine the optimal setting is really by measuring the sag.

There are some decent sites on the web that dispense with good suspension set-up info. I'm lacking in linkage but will follow-up later if I can remember... Google is your friend.

I'll offer this and hope to not get my head chewed off:
It's important to consider that making an adjustment on one end can affect the behavior at the other end. If you make a large, or too large, adjustment you can really muck up the ride balance/characteristics.

For an example, if you were to make the ride too stiff in the rear, when you go to turn in, the front may be somewhat supple and responsive but the rear end will feel stiff and jittery. You may be able to "feel" the front tire because its got useable travel with which to work, it can respond to surface changes, whereas the rear may be too far through its useful travel (too many clicks, too much compression damping) and the stiff rear end becomes a bit of a liability as it can no longer react to changes in the surface of the roadway.

So if you feel that you want to stiffen up the shock a bit and it feels "better" you might also consider changing your fork oil, too.

It's best to make small changes. Not too many at one time. Document what you do.

Unfortunately, the stock shock absorbers on our beloved bikes are pretty basic units. This is why many folks drop the cash on an aftermarket unit that's been set up for the bike, and their weight and riding style.

My .02. Change gladly given...
I'm back to setting 4, it is the best for me, weight 180-185 lbs.
Hmm I really haven't thought too much about this. I am about 160lbs and have kept it on stock settings. I been wondering what I should do when my girlfriend rides with me. Shes all of 100lbs. I have ridden fairly far on stock settings and haven't had any problems. I'll stiffen it up next time and see what we like. Any suggestions?
i've been riding on 7 since my second day. At 185 it's probably on the higher side for me, but I tend to like harder suspension setups. I just feel less planted when the shocks compress too much. Measure sag, figure out what it's supposed to be, and then if it feel alittle loose, tighten it, if it feels tight, loosen it