Really???? Can people be any more mature?


Junior Member
Feb 28, 2009
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So today as I was leaving school on my fz6 and a couple of people that i dont know decide to try and through pennies and quarters at me while i was driving at about 50 mph so i quickly passed ... I figured people can be a little more mature than that I guess its only because im in highschool. Im thinking of keeping some marbles in my pocket if they decide to do that again ill just go in front of them and drop some marbles

So today as I was leaving school on my fz6 and a couple of people that i dont know decide to try and through pennies and quarters at me while i was driving at about 50 mph so i quickly passed ... I figured people can be a little more mature than that I guess its only because im in highschool. Im thinking of keeping some marbles in my pocket if they decide to do that again ill just go in front of them and drop some marbles


No need to go down to their level. If they do it and damage your bike, get onto the police for criminal damage.

They are jealous that you've got a nice bike...if you're a big guy, just stop your bike and go over to matter how many punches or kicks they may throw, your gear will protect you...give them a kick in the balls!!! :rockon: :BLAA:
No need to go down to their level. If they do it and damage your bike, get onto the police for criminal damage.

They are jealous that you've got a nice bike...if you're a big guy, just stop your bike and go over to matter how many punches or kicks they may throw, your gear will protect you...give them a kick in the balls!!! :rockon: :BLAA:

ha im not a big guy at all only 5 foot 7" and 117 lbs :( and i dont really have any gear other that a helmet i know that's lame. Im sure its all jealousy :) :rockon:
I don't know about "eople" but sometimes people really pi$$ me off. ;) :thumbup:

Take the high road, it's worth it in the long run.
As has been suggested, let it go. Rise above, ride away on your nice bike.

and get some gear, dangit... :spank:
If they were primary school kids i would feel no guilt kicking them to the ground. These people are are having a laugh at something that could possibly end your life.
Show no mercy. Bikers are tough remember.
my suggestion is a small BB gun revolver in your jacket pocket - and try to aim at their eyes, although it won't be easy at 50mph...
Have a biker cop ride next to your bike after school a few times.....make em think twice about that sort of nonsense.
this guy has a big head if he thinks everyone is just jealous..

man, give the kid a break. did you even read the context? he quoted Scorphonic who said that they are just jealous... and gave the response you quoted. context is key.

since you missed the conversation (or conveniently omitted it because you wanted to get on his case) i'll repost the quotes for you so you can see them in context.

No need to go down to their level. If they do it and damage your bike, get onto the police for criminal damage.

They are jealous that you've got a nice bike...if you're a big guy, just stop your bike and go over to matter how many punches or kicks they may throw, your gear will protect you...give them a kick in the balls!!! :rockon: :BLAA:

ha im not a big guy at all only 5 foot 7" and 117 lbs :( and i dont really have any gear other that a helmet i know that's lame. Im sure its all jealousy :) :rockon:
notice the bold and underlined text. and notice the smily after tanner said it. just to help you out, smilies generally mean that you're joking. hope that helps.

tanner, if you have earned enough to get 4 bikes i would say you can earn enough to get some gear. if not, sell a bike and get some gear. no reason to not have gear. get a jacket, some gloves and high top tennis shoes at the very least.
since you missed the conversation (or conveniently omitted it because you wanted to get on his case)
um.. no i did realize it and was just picking.. not trying to get on his case.. he is a stand up guy for "not" going over and flipping out on some stupid kids...:thumbup: