

Junior Member
Feb 17, 2010
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i need opinions on scorpion exhausts. is it worth waiting 2 more weeks to get the new style cans or should i just get the old style ones since they have them in stock. i REALLY just want the exhaust and i would love to have the new style ones but i dont want to wait any longer. its already been 5 weeks. they are the carbon fiber cans and they are going on a 2009 blue fz6. what would you guys do?
You've said it yourself, you'd love to have the new ones. So wait. What's 2 more weeks in the big picture?? I waited over 2 years to finally get my Two suck it up Nancy :thumbup: ;)
You've said it yourself, you'd love to have the new ones. So wait. What's 2 more weeks in the big picture?? I waited over 2 years to finally get my Two suck it up Nancy :thumbup: ;)
+10 it's better to wait/save and get exactly what you want rather than spend loads of money on something and always regret it a bit.
i second all of the above. you ll be more satisfied when you get what you wanted rather than a replacement. sooner or later you ll end up selling the old style to get the ones you always wanted.
buy the old style and then in 2 weeks, when the new ones come out, buy those. You can then sell the old ones to me at a steeply discounted rate!;)

Seriously though, wait for the ones you want. It sounds like you've already made up your mind, and you would regret getting the old ones before too long.
Definitely wait - 2 weeks is nothing.

If you get the old style, you'll always look at the bike saying "Why didn't I wait 2 weeks?"
alright alright alright lol ill wait. btw do they require me to remap the bike or have the power commander? ive heard that i have to and ive heard that i dont have to.
What does the new vs. old look like? Do I have old or new?



1. wait and get the ones you really want. :)
2. i personally perfer the older ones, just thoguht i throw that in there
and 3. dennis you got the new ones, these are the older ones i got :)
(sorry if pic is slightly large)

they do look sweet but there is something about the older style ones that just sems more appeling to me :confused: dont know why lol but a fact is that all scorpions do sound awesome so we all win :thumbup: