Question for March 13, 2008



Trivia: There is a reason why men's clothes have buttons on the right while women have buttons on the left. What is it?

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Answer for March 13

Most people are right handed and find it easier to fasten a button which is on the right through a hole which is on the left. This is why men's buttons are on the right. When buttons were first used it was rich people who could afford clothes with buttons. Among this class the ladies were often dressed by maid servants. The servant would face the lady and so it was easier for right handed servants to fasten buttons which were on the lady's left.

nimzotech, 4fun, F250moto, fudge_FZ6, thatguyx, reiobard, mikebike, doc_simple, madmanmaigret and willoby61726 got it correct!
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