Question for March 12, 2008



It fell from a star,
But not very far.
It seems to fly
Above you and I.
Look further down to see
Cousin Jay below us three.
Jump down further to see an empty space.
Tell me what "it" is, and where is this place?


From now on, anybody who gets the answer correct gets 1,000 credits.

and NO CHEATING! :thumbup:


Answer for March 12

By looking at the standard keyboard, you see the answer is the number 8.

The 8 is below the asterisk, though on the same button.
It is above the letters U & I.
Underneath those is the letter J.
Skip a row down and you see the space bar.

Above the 8 are the F6 and F7 function keys.
To the left is the seven, which has the & symbol.
To the right is the number nine.

ant_mb, kvanderploeg, F250moto, grommit, reiobard and nimzotech got it correct!!!